Ali the King's horses and all the King's men cannot,
apparently, hold Garibaldi. An entire fleet was stationed round Caprera, but he escaped, according to one account, in an open boat, in which he sailed by night to Sardinia, according to another, in an American vessel, which the squadron dared not attack. At all events, he reached the mainland, and is believed to be still on his way to Rome, where, also, it is not impossible a greater revolu- tionist than he may appear at the fitting moment. An explosion in Rome would still alter the whole situation. [UNSTASIPED, STAIIPLD .. rd. Sir Stafford Northcote has made an excellent speech in North Devon on the Abyssinian expedition. He repudiates most emphatically the charge that responsibility has been divided, say- ing that Sir Robert Napier has been left entirely free even of sug- gestions from this side. "We are note taking the initiative, but acting on the demands of the soldier to whom we have confided the expedition." There "is not a single step taken in this matter which, were it all to be done again, I should desire to alter." He proceeded to express his belief that the expedition would succeed, and spoke altogether with a manly distinctness which, as 'we have argued in another page, will be mot acceptable to the' country'. We did not think Sir Stafford Northcote had so much backbone in him. He speaks as if, while Parliament trusts him, a Secretary of State had a right to manage his department according to his own discretion. The country has been unused to that style of late, and will be heartily glad to see it employed again.