Cialdini is in politics somewhat of a dark horse, but
his " record " is that of a determined Liberal, and in Italy he is believed to be almost "Red." He dislikes Garibaldi, and indeed anything which savours of anarchy, but he is a deadly foe to the old dynasties, who, he believes, poisoned his father ; he fought against the Papacy by the side of Louis Napoleon, then a wanderer ; he wrested Romagna from the Pope, and he mainly prevented a coup d'etat in the spring. His Cabinet contains al least one man, Depretis, who will never join the Reaction, and though he personally dislikes Garibaldi, he is not the man to play the part of French agent. It is to be observed that Count von Bismarck has officially repudiated the idea of even wishing the overthrow of the Temporal Power, that the heads of the priesthood in Rome are still downcast and dissatisfied, and that many observers still believe that Victor Emanuel has been authorized by written agreement to advance to the gates of Rome. Cialdini may therefore have obtained terms which, hating anarchy as he does, justify him, as the King rejected the idea of war, in accepting power.