Mrs. Milton Votes
So hee ; and she consenting went her waye,
Yet unconvinced, and, still deceitful Eve,
With outward gesture play'd the Woman's part,
Though els with Craft provokt and inward Guile, Untam'd Reluctance gainst his stedfast will, Her sovran lord. Th' explosive engyn deckt With streaming Signe and Favour politick, In fiery haste her doubtfull steps pursu'd, Which her oretaking straight on urgent Wheele Atcheav'd the destin'd Goale. Her Name declar'd, She to the secret Cell on fearfull Feet
Repair'd alone. As once toPriams sonne In unrob'd Beautie came th' immortal Thre,
Hera and Aphrodite, crown'd with Love, And noble Pallas, for his golden Toye
Contending each with each, so they, by turn.
On candid Parchment alphabetick rang'd, Intreat (though absent) her decisive Voys, Whom they with doubtfull Promis woo'd, and Hope Of due Prosperity. Awhile she stood Irresolute ; until, her lord forgot, By sudden impuls mov'd, she stretcht and seiz'd The pendent Graphite, and with eager Hand Inscrib'd the fatall Symboll, nor delay'd Th' irrevocable Doome. The ample Urne receav'd To silent Ward and dark Oblivion Her awefull Secret. She with lighter Step, Her civick duty done, made safe Return, Nor fear'd the advent, of her homeward lord, Hee al unknowing... . G. H. V.