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IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct talstion opened after noon on Tuesday week, Noverkber 6th, addressed Crossword, 9S Gower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must be received not later than first post the day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
1. Pym is the cat showing characteristic. (11.)
9. The way of defeat ? (5.) 10. " Thou wast not born for death, immortal bird " (Keats). (IL) 11. Ale for book-keepers. (5.)
12. But only one author. (5.)
13. He might be married to a boat. (5.) 14. An old body. (5.) 16. Was its introduction a bloomer ? (8, 5.)
20. Material insect receives military rank. (8, 5.) 25. Dangerous material. (5.) 26. Hoped for a vestment. (S.)
28. Rhubarb with medico for horse.
29. Cornered in literature (S.)
30. Cheering Nat (snag.). (11.) 31.. Found in the repertoire. of eleven singers. (5.)
92. Cheerful scene of depression, it seems. (5, 6.) such a (5.) DOWN 1. A doubly bright Derby winner made of two fish, (7.) ;. Does he never feel at home ? (7.)
3. It was complained of him that he rated on the Rialto. (7.) 4. Employees kept at arms' length. (5.)
5. Drunk in here rather thintlikivated. (3, 6.) 6. Used by a hawker, not a barrow-boy. 7. " Now they rise again with twenty mortal - on their crowns " (Shakespeare). (7.) 8. Warm the chicken. (7.)
15. Donkey urns to zero. (4.)
17. A fatal date. (4.) 18. Oh pet i may be after the last word: (9.)
19. " Apes are spes, though clothed in uonscn). (7.)
20. Even his best work is sat on. (7) 21. Her shin is kt the vintner's. (7.)
22. It is not entirely consciously appre- ciated. (7.)
23. One recorded a tour of the Hebrides.
24. (7.)
It was done under sums in fiction.
(7)- 27. Attached to andon though not in it. (5.)