I Was he transferred from Northumber- land to a North London Club? (7) 5 Toys irk this adherent (7).
9 'Lo, the poor — whose untutor'd sense Sees bliss in ale' (Crabbe) (5). 10 Joint parachutists after jumping are at the strain (9).
11 Elsie a palm waves here (6). 12 Joint member gets an increase comprehend? (8)
14 Audacious conduct at the tailor's (3-2). 15 A9)-mazing, the way its constructed! (
18 Hot cinder (anag.) (9). 20 Part of outrageous fortune's armoury (5).
22 He's in the market, disguised as a 'U' member (8).
24 Pals retreat towards a higher place, it's super! (4-2) 26 Dogs love a hidden lair, to which they can run (9).
27 You'll find it among the pages so carefully cut (5).
28 Mark the small change abroad (7). 29 Wise-cracker meets a backward fool in the kitchen garden (7). 1 Lord Chesterfield considered Lord Lyttelton a respectable one (9).
2 1 Tory, Pa ? It's fantastic l (7) 3 With the help of a porker, Nancy, get to the French town (9).
4 It's accompanied by a roll (4).
5 Jaundice again ? Book it ! (10) 6 Make haste and breast the tape (3-2) 7 The old Spaniard might be a Russian (7).
8 'No! Let me — the whole of it, like my peers The heroes of old' (Brown- ing) (5).
13 Gone is the jelly and the gin spilt! (ID)
16 Even if speedy, the flame is dim (9).
17 Lofty demonstration of the presence of the spirits (4,5).
19 'The fatal egg by pleasure laid,' according to Cowper (7).
21 I'm beyond love, lay it on thick 1 (7) 22 The graduate takes a mixed drink (5).
23 Gabriel Oak as a baby perhaps (5). 25 This composer was evidently devoted exclusively to wind instruments (4).
Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Centdry Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on November 6 and addressed: Crossword No. 911, 99 Gower St., London, WC1
Chambers's 7'wentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.
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Solution on November 9. Solution to No. 909 on page - 5
The winners of Crossword No. 909 are: Miss E. Thomas, The Bungalow'Ebchester, Consett, CO.Durham, and Miss M. H. Taylor, 33 St.Leonar
Road, Sburuemouth.