THE official account of the occupation of Adrianople has been
re- ceived since our. last. The troops in the city amounted to not less than NEWS OF THE WEEK.
ten thousand men ; but not the slightest attempt at defence was made. A few of the principal officers and citizens opened a negotia.ion with the Russian Geiieral, and fourteen hours were allowed for the defini- tive acceptance or rejection of his terms ; but in such haste were the Turks to get rid of their fears, that before the expiry of the time ap- pointed, the camp and the town were given up at discretion; part of the garrison dispersing, and part, among which were several Paellas, marching forth to welcome Count DIEBITSCH. Immediately after the occupation of the town, detachments of the army were pushed for- ward on the road leading to Constantinople. Indeed, according to the Frankfort papers, the subsequent armistice was dated " in the camp before Constantinople ;" and the Journal du Geneve, improving on this rumour, described that capital as actually in the hands of the invaders, —the Sultan and the Divan having shut themselves up in .the Seraglio, whence a polite note was sent to the Russian General to enter the city when he pleased. We need hardly say these were rumours " more strange than true." The progress of the Russians seems to have pro- duced its natural fruits when it brought them within a few easy marches of Constantinople. On the 23d the Foreign Ambassadors and the Reis Effendi held a meeting to deliberate for the public safety. Mes- sengers were despatched to Adrianople, where they arrived on. the 27th; and on the 29th an armistice was signed. The principal in- ducement to this preliminary settlement of existing differences does honour to the Russian commander. He was informed that there was an extensive conspiracy among the remains of the Janissaries, which waited only his advance to develope itself ; that it was not impossible the Sultan and his officers might be murdered, and also the Christian residents. On this information, he lost not a moment in calling in his detachments. It appears from the despatches received by Govern- ment yesterday, that serious disturbances did take place, and that several executions were the consequence. Among the rest, NAMED AGA, governor of the fortresses on the Black Sea, was beheaded on a charge of treachery. The Sultan is 'described as acting with singular judgment and decision in this case,—although the decapitations ad- duced in proof are not a rare feature in the history of his weakest pre- decessor.
Count PAHLEN, who is intrusted with the negociations for peace on the part of Russia, arrived at Adrianople on the 1st, where, two days after, he was joined by the Turkish diplomatists. As the articles are not complicated, and as the power of the one party is overwhelming and the necessities of the other pressing, it is not expected that much time will be consumed in discussion. pressing, French papers express an opinion that the treaty will be signed by the 12th ; Sir ROBERT GOR- DON'S despatches say it will be signed by the 10th at latest. The terms of peace are given by the Hamburg Reporter with a minute accuracy that would be very satisfactory if it were to be relied on. "1. Moldavia, Wallachia, and Bulgaria, are to be placed under the sove- reignty and protection of Russia. 2. The unconditional emancipation of Greece is to be recognized, and its territory to be enlarged. 3. Several for- tresses on the Black Sea, taken by Count Paskewitsch, are to be ceded. 4. The free navigation between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean is to be secured, by the demolition of several fortresses on the Bosphorus. 5. A pecuniary indemnit of several hundreds of millions of roubles, is to be paid to Russia, in consi ration of the expense of the war ; and as the Sultan declares his incapaci o comply with this demand at present, security for the future pay- ment is to be given." Every account represents the Emperor NICHOLAS as prepared to re- deem to the letter his early pledges of moderation. It is said that the only security he will demand for the future good behaviour of Turkey, will be two or three fortresses on the European, and two or three on the Asiatic boundary. The present time is indeed unfavourable to any sudden or violent extension of his territory. There is felt throughout Europe, a strong, though perhaps an unnecessary jealousy of Russian power; and any plan that went to augment it would probably be re- sisted, not by one kingdom, but by several. It is sufficient for the present that the Czar has proved the utter inability of Turkey to with- stand his arms when seriously directed to its conquest, and that he retains such a position as shall put the seizure and subjugation of Roumelia within his reach whenever an opportune conjuncture occurs. That he will persevere in his moderate line of policy, while the general peace of Christendom remains unbroken, is to be expected ; but were a war to spring up between any of the great powers, the ancient seat of the Eastern Empire must he content once more to change its masters. Whether it be possible for the Sultan, when once more left to pursue at leisure his plans of improvement, so to elevate the cha- racter of his subjects that they shall of themselves offer a sufficient barrier against the Northern invaders, it is impossible to say. From the manner of his past reforms, if not from their matter, we cannot augur much good. If tailors and hatters made men, the substitution of pantaloons for petticoats, and of caps for turbans, might produce patriots and heroes. Of the modern Turkish troops, what is new is not good, and what is good is not new. They have in the last cam- paign done little, and what little they have done was effected rather in spite than in consequence of the late regulations.