The East India Company lucre timed their Chinamen as follows :- Thomas Coutts and Duchess of Athole, for Bombay and China; and Minim and \Vil. Fairlie, for Bengal and China, to be afloat 18th Nov. and to be in the Downs 5th Jan. Abercrombie, Robinson, for Bombay and China; Macqueen, for Bengal and China ; and Orwell, for St. Helena, Bombay, and China, to be afloat ad Dec. arid to be in the Downs 211th Jan. Reliance, and General Harris, for Bengal and China, to be afloat 13th Dec. and to be in the Downs 4th Feb. Berwickshire and Lord Lowther, fur Bombay and China ; and Marquis Camden, for St. Helena, Straits of Melecca, anti China, to be afloat 4th Jan. and ID be in the Downs 22d Feb. Castle II natty and Lonron, for Madras and China, to be afloat 18th Jan. and to be ill the Downs suit March. Edin- burgh, Sir David Scott, George the Fourth, Bad of Balcarres, and Canning, fur China direct, to be afloat. 3d March, and to be in the Downs list April. Arrived.—At Cowes, Sept. 2001, James Grant, Inglis, from Mauritius. At Rio, July 27th, Caroline, Fewson, from London for Swan River ; 28th, Lady Rowena, Itinisrli, from New South Wales for London.
Sailed.—From Gravesend, Sept. 19, Dutivegan Castle, Walmsley, for New South Wales ; 20th, Bussorall Alerchant, Johnston, for Van Diemen's Land. From Liver- pool, 20th, Pacific, Prowse, for the Cape. Spoken.—Greenock, from Leith to Van Diemen's Land, 12th Sept. 58 north 12 we=t, York, from London to Van Diemen's Land, 11th June, lat. 1 long 23. H. C. Ship Lady Melville, from London to Bengal and China, 13th April, G south 33 east.
SATURDAY MORNENG. There is nothing new this morning.