WAR-OFF/CB, Sept. 24.—let Reg. Life Guards : Gen. Stapleton Viscount Comber. mere, G.C.B. from the 3d Light Dragoons, to be Col. vice Gen. the Earl of Harrington, deceased; Lieut. H. B. Baring, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Williams, who retires ; Cur. and Sub.Lieut. W. A. West, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Baring ; Thomas Hertel Viscount Ranelagh, to be Cur. and Sub-neut. by purchase, vice West-31-t1 Light Dra- goons : Major-Gen. Lord G. 'I'. Beresford, to be Cot. vice Gen. Viscount Combermere- 24th Foot: Major-Gen. Sir J. Lyon, K.C.B. from the 97th Foot, to he Col. vice Gen. 'Sir David Baird, deceased-97th: alajor.Gen. Hon. Sir R. W. O'Callaghan, K.C.B. to be Col. vice alajar.Gen. Sir J. Lyon—Garrisons : Lieut.-Gen. Sir G. Murray, G.C.B. to be Governor of Fort George, vice Gen. Sir D. Baird, deceased.