HAYMARKET THEATRE.—A Comedy in three acts, and called Pro- crastination,
or the late Mr. M., was produced at this theatre on Monday last. We have called it a comedy in deference to the authority of the " house bill ;" but the greatest part of the foolish and efferves- cent action which we witnessed on Monday evening, is performed by a single gentleman, whose name is given to the whole production. This principal character is a Mr. Montague, who is so incurably afflicted by the malady of " procrastination," that he has never in his life done any one thing in time. A certa:.n amount of this procrasti- nating, disposition is unhappily very common amongst mankind ; but the fault, as represented in Mr. Montague, is bodied forth with such a degree of senseless exaggeration as would support a commission of lunacy. This observation is to be understood of the character of Mr. Montague as drawn by the author of the "comedy." It would be highly unjust not to add, that the excellent acting of Mr. WILLIAM FAREEN concealed half the absurdities of the character which he represented; and was indeed themincipal source of the equivocal suc- cess which the performance attained, and which is not likely to last for any considerable time. The piece is entirely destitute of invention, and suggests a sort of inverted moral, so far as it excites any reflection at al f; for the man who adjourns every important duty of life, and spends his time in a perpetual whirl of indecision and confusion, is at last made very happy, by mere chance, and without any merit or exertion of his own. The dialogue is for the most part made up of poor puns and poorer jingles, enlivened by such delicate repartees as the following. Mr. Parkins, an attorney, (addressing his sister)—" You are five-and-forty years of age, and that makes a pretty old virgin." Miss Perkins—" I am no old—virgin." Mr. Parkins—" I am very sorry to hear it." Miss Parkins-LY ou pettifogging caterer for the gaoler and the hang- nail!" * a * It is unnecessary to pursue the matter any further.
The art of dramatical composition will become one of the lost secrets of bygone days, if the causes which have produced the present depression of theatrical affairs continue to operate much longer.