LOST OR STRAYED.—The decease of the immortalities of heathen- was
a great misfortune ; but by no class, not even the poets, was the loss more sensibly felt than by the young ladies. What a charm- ing interest did the stray divinities of flood and field give to a ramble by hanks of rivers or through lone woods in moonlight ! Nowadays, when a young woman remains a night from home, there are none but mortal agents to refer to as the cause. All is low, vulgar, and com- monplace: a Charlie who writ, and a Jarvie who will act—a hand- kerchief—a veil—a grated window, and an old woman ! One case of this kind occurred the other day, and it is as satisfactory as a thousand for the pm-pose of.proving, how inferior we are to our fathers in these days of free trade and liberalism. A young lady was walking through Portman Square—the very locality is barbarous—when a handker- chief was wrapped round her eyes, by two men, who placed her in a coach, drove her in a fainting-fit (during the continuance of which, her memory, wonderful to be told, wholly forsook her) to a house no one knows where, and having kept her there for six months, bore her back again to Portman Square, whence, at the hour of dark midnight, she walked without further accident to her sister's house in Oxford Street, with a fifty-pound note in her pocket! Now this is an adven- ture that, had there been but a god to mix up with it, and a cloud in- stead of a coach for a vehicle, would have made a subject for the poetic muse of the Member for Newark. But in these prosy times, the whole amount is, that a girl was absent from her friends for half a year, and came back somewhat richer than she went away. No clue can be found, says the paper that gives the account, to this mysterious affair. Why not? Trace the fifty-pound note ! we bet its fellow a clue will be found if it be sought. The lady is said to be from Yorkshire.