8PICTATOE:1 Sin,—As an old reader, I wish to express my gratitude for your two articles on Butler in the Spectator of September 5th
and 12th, which are most valuable and instructive, alike to those who have read Mr. Gladstone's " Studies " and to those who have not. Might I venture to suggest, in regard to the question of future punishment, treated in the second paper, that when you state that St. Paul does not seem to regard the Christian "Revelation as having passed any judgment on the permanent enduringness of any existence which in- volves resistance to the divine will," you are attributing to the apostle a far greater reserve than is implied in some of his deepest utterances P Would it not be truer to say that. be absolutely affirms the cessation of any such existence, not by annihilation, but by a process of submission to that will?' Romans ix. 25.35; Ephesians i. 9-10; Colossians i. 10;. Philippians, ii. 10-11, among others ; 1 Corinthians xv. 25 seq..