Nooks and Corners of Pembrokeshire. Drawn and described by H.
Thornhill Timmins. (Elliot Stock.)-1 book for which the same hand furnishes both the literary and the artistic material has a great advantage, conspicuous, one may say, in this very attractive and readable volume. Pembrokeshire shows a con- siderable variety of features. It has a hilly region dividing two of a more level character, the busier and more populous of the two being that on the south itself by Milford Haven and its inlets. It contains the Cathedral city of St. David's. In the north, Newport and Fishguard are the best-known places ; in the south, Milford, Pembroke, and Tenby, the last being not only a growing watering-place, but a town of no little antiquarian interest. The highest point of the county is Preecy Head (1,750 ft.) All these localities, and others too numerous to mention, have been carefully visited by Mr. Timmins, already favourably known by a similar work on Herefordshire, and cleverly represented by both pen and pencil.