[To THY EDITOR 07 THE "IsrEcrAzoz."]
am not aware whether any of your readers have remarked the curiously interesting parallel between the
present state of things in Belgium and the state of that cunritry in the sixteenth century as portrayed in the fifth book of Spenser's Faerie Queene. There we find Prince Arthur (representing England) going on a quest to free the Lady Bulge (who had appealed to Illercilla = Queen Elizabeth) from the thraldom of the cruel tyrant Grantorto, or Geryoneo Spain), who had devoured seventeen of her children (i.e., her provinces) and usurped her kingdom. Arthur finds her in tears, comforts her, and delivers her from the tyrant, rein- stating her at length in her own chief city, Antwerp. So history repeats itself, with a difference. England is again fighting to free the Lady Beige from the clutches of a now Gi antorto in the shape of Germany.—I am, Sir, &c., E. H. BLAKENEY. The King's School, Ely.