The New York Evening World of Thursday week published what
is said to be the answer of Germany to the American suggestions of peace. The upshot of it is that Germany is willing "to call the war a draw," but that if the Allies insist on the "war to a finish " of which England talks daily, and on dismembering the German Empire, then Germany will "repeat the era after the Napoleonic Wars." She will arm "every man, child, cat, and dog in the Empire for the day of revenge." Her motto is "Live and let live." We have no reason to doubt that the Evening World's information is genuine. Our readers will recognize the purpose of the answer; it is one of the usual clumsy diplomatic attempts to represent Germany as a betrayed and ill-treated country struggling in the grip of mighty oppressors. American readers, we may be sure, know what to think of this presenta- tion of the case.