tt THE SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 133 IA p ri ze of
a Book Token for one guinea u,,G to given to the sender of the first 'oftect solution of this week's crossword puzzle to-be opened. Envelopes should be ,narked with the words "Crossword Puzzle" and the -NUMBER of the PUZZLE, Qd should be received not later than fast post on Tuesaay week. No envelopes will ;,e opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on she form appearing ;ejaw. The name of the winner and the solution will be published in the follow- , issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a 21d. stamp, otherwise they
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ACROSS i. Time for a quick words) (2, 3, 6).
9. Amen to that (5).
. " It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied," said Wilde (9).
ii. In favour of Raymond Swing? (9).
12. Leave for leaving (5).
13. One can make puss rise out of this (8).
15. Anglo-French announcement of fatherhood (6).
. Debased Lascar (6).
19. This is not used for preening a female swan (8).
23. Colour in company- (5).
24. On an equality with a male lion (9). 26. Egan is confused in the minister's house (9).
27. Lisping fish caught with a pin (5)-
28. She and I-our aimless travel (t t).
Comparatively loud-speakers (7)-
2. "Hold up to the sun my link - ' (Byron) (5). 3. Settled down like canvassers? (8).
4. Goings-on (6). 5. One finds Mary below in it (9). one (3
6. It takes part in a proverbial meeting (7).
7. Quiet monkeys! (6). 8. Pay up in Yorkshire (6).
14. The girl friend (9).
16. Two words of encouragement (4, 4).
17. Race me (6).
18. This bone is in front, not behind (7).
20. " The Devil was pleased, for it gave him a hint For im- proving his - in Hell " (Southey and Coleridge) (7).
21. One who stokes the kitchen fire? (6).
22. Padres make a good meal (6).
25. One of Miss Austen's clergy (5).