26 SEPTEMBER 1970, Page 28



Rats prefer listening to Mozart.

One in ten people in Dawley, Shropshire. claims to have seen a ghost.

Moon rock has certain properties in common with Cheddar cheese.

Criminals find it harder than law-abiding citizens to tell whether they are standing upright. Conclusions of the British Association. whose President, Lord Todd, complains of the anti-science attitude of the public.

Rats, science teaches, for their part, Prefer the music of Mozart. And criminals in Dawley town Don't know when they are upside down, For only one in ten at most Has ever really seen a ghost. Proclaim such truths and add to these Moonrock is much like Cheddar cheese, So science says, and Dr Todd, Regretting that it should be odd, Yet finds it is a veriest platitude There is an anti-science attitude Arousing such acute distrust The Association's going bust.