Mosley contra Mundum
Sir: In the war against the criminal Nazi regime, `no British interest was involved'! (Diana Mosley, Letters, 5 September.) Only a fool or a Nazi fanatic could think such rubbish.
As a German-Swiss professor, observing their criminal record, said to me: 'Europe cannot live with a united Germany.'
That is the fundamental fact. if we had submitted to Hitler controlling the whole of central and eastern Europe, Britain would have been at his mercy. We know what that was from the unspeakably cri- minal record against Jews and Slays and all over Europe. And not only these, but against the finest of their own Germans. like my friends Adam von Trott and Helmuth von Moltke.
We are grateful to you for publishing heroic Robert Byron's diary: he under- stood the issue and foresaw what Hitler's appeasers would bring down on us.
We do not want history re-written by a friend of these criminals, ignorant of his- tory and of no political judgment, whom a sense of shame, if not common sense, should tell to shut up.