Accounts from Lima to the 24th of December, and from
Val- paraiso to the 12th of January, confirm the intelligence of the evacuation of Lima by the Chalon forces ; and mention a subse- quent defeat of the invaders, who effected another landing on the coast. The Liverpool correspondent of the Standard gives the following as a summary of the Peruvian news- " The army despatched under time command of General Moran to overtake the recreant and runaway Chilians he succeeded in utterly routing their invaders, seizing their baggage, and in capturing many prisoners. On the evening of the 24th of' December, the Protector Santa Cruz was to leave Lima at the head of a formidable reinforcement, in order to expel from the territory which they have had the temerity to enter, the last of the ill-fated and advised Chilians. That this buccaneer armament is doomed to utter annihila- tion, no doubt appears to be entertained. The resources on which they vainly relied have fbiled them ; and in the country of an enemy whom they have wantonly outraged and repeatedly defied, they can expect neither quarter nor mercy. All chance of escape by sea is denied them. One of their frigates, after having been captured by two Peruvian privateers, was taken to Callao, and burnt ; and this destiny. it is said, awaits the relic of their fleet. The tenour of the information, which we have been enabled to obtain, induces us to predict that the Chilian army will be utterly annihilated."