The" interim Ministry " in France has not yet been superseded
by one of a more constitutional character. The leaders of the different parties in the Chamber of Deputies, being distinctly called upon by M. MAUGU1N for information respecting the recent negotiations, each explained his own views and the part he had taken in the attempts to reconstruct the Government. Little that is new was disclosed ; but the result was advantageous to TIHERS, who Coll. tired to create the impression that he had been conciliatory-is his bearing and moderate in his pretensions. Indeed, M. cum,1 GRIDAINE, one of the old Ministerialists, declared, that Under ex- isting circumstances, he was ready to sign the THIERS programme which the King rejected, with "both his hands." GU1ZOT affected to consider himself the chief of a Conservative party, and volun. teered a Doctrinaire union with the King's friends of the Right Centre ; but LAmmtrucE, the poet, eloquently rejected the alliance, with the general concurrence of his associates. DILLON BARROT
is said to have displayed extraordinary power. Ile especially up. plied, himself to the exposure of GU1ZOT'S trimming tactics in joining the Coalition, then affecting neutrality, and lastly offering himself to the old Ministerialists without reserve. When ()DILLON BARROT left the tribune, his friends crowded round him, and all business was suspended for some minutes by the enthusiastic up. plause of members in every part of the Chamber. The position of GUIZOT, whose alliance was rejected by the three great parties-- the Left, the Left Centre, and the Right Centre, or old Ministe- rialists—is unenviable. 'FIBERS, on the other hand, is said to have conducted himself with consummate skill, and is pronounced bv the Liberal journals to be "inevitable and iudispensable." Even the .Toornal des Di:bats admits that the Ministry must be taken from the Left Centre ; but there have been so many changes and ehoppings, that such a result is by no means certain. SOULT'S subserviency to the King was the subject of severe animadversion: and he was but feebly defended by his son, the Marquis of Dm.- MATIA. PASSY exhibited evident inclination to rejoin his old friends of the Left Centre, and expressed strong disapprobation of Sou LT'S proceedings.