Zbe (Court.
TEE Queen and the Dutchess of Kent attended divine service on Sun- day, in the Chapel Royal, St. James's. Lady Flora Hastings accom- panied the Dutchess of Kent.
Her Majesty held a Court at Buckingham Palace on Monday ; when the French, .Austrian, and Dutch Ambassadors, had audiences on taking leave for a time.
The Queen rode out in the afternoon ; attended by Baroness Lehzen, Miss Murray, the Marquis of Headfort, the Earl of Uxbridge, Mr. George Byng, and Sir George Quentin. Her Majesty went to the Italian Opera on Tuesday evening ; accom- panied by the Dutchess of Kent. In the Royal box were also the Countess of Charlemont, Lady Flora Hastings, Mrs. Brand, the Mar- quis of Headfort, and Mr. William Cowper. A Levee was held at St. James's Palace on Wednesday. The Foreign Ambassadors and Great Officers of State and of the Household were present, as usual. In the list of general company we notice the names of the Dukes of Cleveland, Rutland, and Montrose, the Marquises of Hertford, Bute, Salisbury, and Sligo, the Earls of Lovelace, Munster, and Jersey, Sir Robert Peel, Mr. Croker, Mr. Emerson Tennent, and Mr. Hart Davis.
In the evening, the Queen honoured the Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne by her presence at a magnificent entertainment given at Lansdowne House. The Dutchess of Kent accompanied the Queen. The dinner company was not numerous. In addition to the members of the Household, who attended the Queen, and Lady Flora Hastings, who went with the Dutchess of Kent, there were Viscount Melbourne, the Duke of Norfolk, the Duteliess of Bedford, the Dutchess of Hamil- ton, the Marquis of Anglesea, Earl Grey, the Earl of Clarendon, Earl and Countess Bruce, Lord Palmerston, Lord Holland, and Lord Mor- peth. The statue-gallery was thrown open in the evening, and the Marchioness of Lansdowne gave a grand concert to a very numerous party. The Queen retired about half-past twelve o'clock. The second Drawing-room of the season was held at St. James's Palace on Thursday. The attendance of ladies, though not numerous, was much less scanty than at the previous Drawing-room ; no doubt, an effort was made by those interested to keep up the éclat of the Court. Among the presentations, we observe those of Viscountess Conibermere, the Countess of Zetland, Lady Shaw Stewart, Lady Charles Russell, Miss Louisa Montefiore, Lady Chatterton, Mrs. Edward Cayley, Miss Pardoe, Lady Stanley, Lady Adelaide Hay, and Miss Louisa Knox.
It is expected that the Queen will give balls at Buckingham Palace on the 10th and 24th of May, and a concert on the lath of May.
Viscount Melbourne's dinners this week—three at the Palace, on Monday, Thursday, and Friday—besides the one at Lansdowne House.
Queen Adelaide will probably return to England about the 8th of next month.