br Vrobinets.
We are informed that additions have been made to the Radical con- stituency of Rath, to an extent which insures not only Mr. Roebuck's election, but that of another gentleman of similar opinions, on the first opportunity.
Sir Philip Durham is said to be "coquetting "with the Devizes elec- tors. Should he succeed in obtaining another seat in Parliament, Sir Philip may exchange it, as before, for a valuable naval command.
Mr. Dudley Ryder, Lord Harrowhy's son, hopes to succeed Mr. Davenport, the Libetal Member for Stoke-upon-Trent, whose retire- ment is rumoured.
Should Sir William Follett be compelled by ill-health to retire from Parliament, Lord Courtenay will probably be the Tory candidate for Exeter.
The active Tories in North Staffordshire are preparing to substitute Mr. Watts Russell for Mr. Edward Buller, the Whig Member, at the next election.
Mr. J. F. Foster has been appointed Recorder of Manchester.
We understand that Mr. M. 1). Hill, Q.C., has received an official in- timation from Mr. Philips, tinder Secretary of State, that the Govern- ment has conferred upon him the office of Recorder of the borough of Biriningliani.—Birminyhant Advertiser.