Railroads ilitVc already so much affected turnpike trusts, that some
histances are known in which mortgagees are in the receipt of only 40/. a year where they used to receive 2001., and in many cases nothing will be paid.—Clies/er Gazette.
Mr. W. E. Gladstone M.P. for Newark, has presented a very hand: some organ to Christ durch, recently erected and endowed by voluns tary subscription in his borough.
At a meeting of the parishioners of Hayes, a memorial to the Arch- bishop of Canterbury was agreed to, with but three dissentients, request- ing his Grace to remove Mr. Stunner front the curacy, in consequence of his conduct on a late melancholy occasion. • Several fires have lately been caused by sparks front railway-engines falling upon property on the side of the line.
James Heywood, a public-house-keeper at Bury, has been committed to Kirkdale prison, charged with the murder of his wife, whom he brutally kicked and beat to death.
Davis, who was convicted of the murder of a man named Butt, near Bristol, was executed at Gloucester on Saturday. An immense crowd had assembled ; among which, as usual, were numerous females and children.