Notwithstanding the sinister appearance of monetary affairs, and the con- tinued demand for bullion, the investments of the public arc forcing up the prices of every description of Stock. Money has become scarcer ; it was generally believed that at the usual weekly meeting of the Bank Directors,
held yesterdaytthe rate of cliscount wield be increased ; but such a coarse hag not been adopted : indeed, from past experience it has been found, that a scarcity of money does not give the Bank Directors any additional power. over the circulation, as since the large augmentation of their bodiless as private bankers, any diminution of the circulating medium, to a sufficient ex.: tent to increase the value of money, has been invariably followed by a with- drawal of a.proportional amount of the balances in deposit at the Bank. The Directors have, however, resumed their sales of Exchequer Bills ; and the premium upon these Securities, which has been recently 51s., has fallen to-day to 41s. We have therefore a continuance of a rise in the price of Stock and a deline in that of Exchequer Bills. Bank Stock has continued firra; and Indi& Stock has improved 1 per cent. since last week. The hopes of the speculators for the fall having been disappointed by the pacific accounts from New Lune- wick and Maine, and the final adjustment of the Belgian question, thy are now flattering themselves that some evil may grow out of the present _posture of Indian affairs; and believe that the abandonment by the Grand Duke of Russia of his intention to visit this country, is occasioned by the unsatisfactory state of our relations with the Cabinet of St. Petersburg. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Securities have experienced a rise of mare than per cent., and up to yesterday the market gave promise of a further advance ; but the mail from Holland having brought several orders to sell, a considerable amount of the New Five per Cent. Stock was thrown upon the market ; and though the price has not declined materially, the Stock is not as firm as it has been. A mail from the Brazils arrived on Wednesday, and as- the intelligence brought was favourable, the Stock has risen, and may be quoted
per cent. higher. Columbian is also firmer, having been quoted at but the transactions in South American Securities, as in every other sort of Stock, have been limited.
Portuguese Bonds are nearly at our last quotations ; and Spanish Stock is rather firmer ; the hope of the advent of M. TIIIEltS to office supporting the market against the effect which the sinister aspect of affairs in the Peninsula would otherwise produce.
The Railway Shares are without material variation from our last prices, and the business transacted has been unimportant.
A purchase of 50,000/. Consols for Account gave a momentary firmness to the market, and-the price was 94 buyers; but it has again fallen back to sellers. Exchequer Bills are the same as yesterday. The only business that has occurred in the Foreign Market, has been in Columbian Securities ; which have been done at 304 for the next Account, and are now 30i Mexican are, however, unchanged, being 244 4. All the other Foreign Stocks are as yesterday. The Railway Shares are without variation.
The English Funds close at the morning's prices. Exchequer Bills, however; are lower, and are quoted at 40 to 42 prem. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stocks are about It per cent, lower, the Two-and-a- Half being 55 6. Colum- bian are lower, and may be quoted at 304. Mexican are unchanged. Spanish. Stock is he ivy, and closes lower than in the morning ; the Active being 24. The Pottucmere are without variation. Nothing doing in Railway Shares.
3 per Cent. Consols 93g Brazilian 5 per Cents 781 * Ditto for Account 94 1 Danish 3 per Cents 745 75 3 per Cent. Redacted.. 924
Dutch 25 per Cents
565 New SI• per Cent. Arms 101g Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts. 351 g Bank Stu' 197g Ditto 3 per Cents 211 5 India Stuck 2505 Russian (1822) 5 per Cent.... 1125 I Ditto Bonds — Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent.... 201 g Excheipter Bills 41 43pm Deferred Stock 91 * Belgian 5 per Ceuta. 103g 4 Passive Ditto 41 5