All the four vessels of the Government expedition to search
for Sir John Franklin meet at Greenhithe today ; to start for their Arctic voy- age at the beginning of next week. We are enabled to state that the devoted Lady Franklin has just pur- chased the ketch Prince Albert, of ninety tons, of the Messrs. White of Cowes, to proceed to Prince Regent's Inlet, and send parties across from Bruntford Bay to the Western side of Boothia., which will explore to the Strait of James Ross ; whilst another party will explore the Eastern side of Boothia as far as Lord Mayor's Bay, in search of her Ladyship's gallant husband. The Prince Albert will be immediately fitted out at Aberdeen, and will leave that place in about three weeks. By permission of the Admiralty, who answered his request immediately it was received, Commander Cod- rington Forsyth, an experienced surveying officer of the Royal Navy, will command this expedition.--Morning Herald.