The intelligence of the week from Turkey is, on the
whole, disas- trous. Thus Russia is stated to have accumulated 50,000 men once more upon the Pruth. The Porte has resolved to put down the in- surrection in Montenegro, but the disturbances in Bosnia and the Herzegovina seem to develop rapidly. Proposals of concession have been made by the Turkish Government, but the people demand the absolute withdrawal of all troops, and the contest tkeaten to become one of extermination. Great atrocities are committed on both sides. In Bulgaria, a religious revolution has been carried to completion. No less than two millions of Bulgarians, disgusted with the conduct of the Patriarch at Constantinople, have formally joined the Catholic Church and been received and absolved by the Pope. The Catholics of France are calling for aid to the new converts, who need instruction, and the movement will greatly increase French in- fluence in the province. An army is to be organized for Roumelia and placed under the command of Omar Pasha, and to meet these various expenses a fresh issue of paper money has been sanctioned by Government. It will be issued at the rate of 800,0001. a month, and secured on the revenues formerly pledged to M. Mires. A new bank has been set up to keep the exchanges firm—a hopeless attempt— and the officials and the army paid a part of their arrears—in paper money. For the rest, the financial reforms are, as usual, postponed, but some arrangement is to be effected for the sale of the Crown lands. in opposition to these discouraging symptoms, we have re- ports that the French really intend to quit Syria.