STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. IN the Discount Market there has been a more active inquiry. this week, but the supply continues Abundant, and in the Stock Exchange short loans on Government Securities have been freely offered at
2 and 24 per cent. ; to-day the demand is somewhat greater, and 3 per cent. has been given. Very little general business has been negotiated in the English Funds, but prices, notwithstanding the ap- prehensions concerning America, have been tolerably well suppo
and even to-day, when the telegram announces the actual commence- ment of hostilities, Consols opened at a decline of * only, and at which decline there were but few sales. The opening prices on Mon- day were 914, 92, and 92, 924, respectively for Money and Account; up to this morning the market only varied occasionally 1-16 per cent. after being 914, 914; the price is 914 exactly. Business, however, is still very quiet. The scrip of the new Indian Loan has not been dealt in to anything like the extent of that seen last week, and the quota- tion has drooped to 1014, 1014; the Old Stock is 223, 225 ; Ex- chequer Bills mark 3s. dis. • New Three per Cents and Reduced, 90, 904; Consols for Money, 904. Foreign Stocks show little or no variation, and the market for the most favourite Securities has been very dull. Mexican is slightly lower, leaving off 234, 24*; Buenos Ayres, flat, 88, 90, and for the Three per Cent. ditto, 274, 284; Venezuela, 19, 20, and the One-and-a-Half per Cents, nominally, 94,104 ; Grenada active, 154,16 ; dittoDeferred, 54, 61. Turkish Old Stock has fluctuated about f per cent., finally closing 70, 704; ditto the New Six per Cents, 534, 54; Sardinian, steady, 80, 81; Victor Emmanuel, 95, 96 ; Spanish Three per Cents, 49f, 59; ditto Deferred, 411, 42/ ; ditto Certificates, 51 54. The English Rail- way Share market has been chiefly influenced. all the week by the state of the Consol market; it will be seen, however, although there is no new or important feature to notice, that prices are higher than at the close last week. Midland, 124, 1241; Great Westeni, 71, 71/; Great Northern, 111,112, ditto A Stock, 107, 108; North British, 21 34 London and Brighton, 118, 120 ; Caledonian, 97, 974 ; in other tifings the improvement averages 4 per cent. Foreign Shares were dull until this afternoon, when upon the receipt of higher prices from Paris the market showed considerable animation, and a decided advance took place, especially in South Austrian and Lombardo-Venetian, the quotation now being 14, dis. • Paris and Strasbourg 224, 23f ; Lux- embourg, 64, 61; Sambre and Meuse, 51, 6; Indian . East 99, 100 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 95, 96. In the various Marine 'Insurance Shares business seems for the time to be almost at a stand-still, and prices are quoted heavy; Ocean, 34, 34; Universal, 4, 14 • Thames and Mersey, 14, 14. The markets all round close with a slightly down- ward tendency.