The German Government has struck a heavy blow at the
Catholic Episcopate. The Bishop of Ermeland recently excom- municated. two Professors of Braunsberg for declining to teach the doctrine of infallibility, and the Minister of Public Worship has requested him to withdraw his sentence, on the ground that it carries civil consequences and infringes civil rights. Should the Bishop not comply with the mandate, "His Majesty's Government will be compelled to regard the recognition of your lordship as Bishop of Ermeland as lapsed by the action of your lordship, and his Majesty's Government will be unable to continue its official relations which have hitherto existed with the diocesan adminis- tration as conducted by your lordship.—Eu.s." The Bishop has replied by a letter, arguing that his action is purely spiritual, but of course cannot withdraw his sentence pending orders from Rome. The Minister of Justice writes in a respectful and indeed slightly apologetic tone, but we presume will adhere to his deci- sion, the effect of which will be that the Bishop will lose part of his income and his position as one of the official hierarchy.