The first Encyclical of the new Pope was published on
the 25th inst. It is difficult to form a decided opinion about it be- fore its text has arrived, but according to the synopsis forwarded to the 7 inits, the Pope, though more moderate in phrase than his predecessor, maintains his ideas. He descants on all that the Pontificate has accomplished for mankind, declares that the Holy See must be independent, and demands " the re-establishment of our civil power, because it is not only necessary to con- serve the full liberty of the spiritual power, but also, because it is evident that when it is a question of the temporal dominion of the Apostolic See, it involves the well-being and safety of the whole human family." He renews, therefore, all protests made by Pio Nono against the occupation of the civil principality. There is a much more religious tone in the Encyclical than in many of Pio None's utterances, and much less cursing ; but we see no indica- tion of change of policy as to the Temporal Power, or any sign of reconciliation with Italy.