The great feature of the week has been the negotiation of the Indian Loan, which has met with decided success, and is favourably viewed by the
moneyed classes; the fact that it is transferable at the Bank of England in the same way as the Funds, is a circumstance of importance to investors and on that account, it is thought, the stock will be sought after by the public. The minimum price fixed by the council was 97. The biddings amounted
to 5,824,750/., at and about that figure ; the applications on lower terms were for about 2,500,000/.,—one application Was received as high as 100.
The quotations of the New Stock in the Market has ranged between 9n and 981. Some large transactions have taken place, the price leaving oft' today, 981. Consols have only varied between 951 sellers, and 951 buyers, the Market being principally supported by the daily purchases of the Govern- ment broker of 15,0001., either in Reduced or Consols ; against this support, however, sales have been made by the public for the purpose of reinvesting in the New Indian Loan. There has only been a slight demand for money, the rate averaging 1 per cent in Consols. The Market is rather dull this
afternoon. Bank Stock leaves off 223 225; Reduced add New Three per Cents, 96/ 961 ; Consols for Money and Account, 951 95; ; Exchequer Bills, 20s. 23s.
Owing to the paucity of attendance among the usual dealers in the Foreign Market, business has been very dull throughout the week ; prices remain firm, though there is little alteration to notice. The only difference worth remarking is the decline in the New Three pc r Cent Russian Loan ; at the end of last week the Market price was about 1 prem., it is now die par, evidently showing that the terms fixed by the Russian Government were too high ; only 4 out of the 12 millions were applied for. Money con- tinues easy and the rates almost nominal—Spanish, 441 451 ; Portuguese,
45 46 ; Turkish Six per Cent, 83 84 ; Ditto New, 731 741--; Venezuele Three
per Cent, 28 29; Buenos Ayres, 72 74 ; Ditto Three per Cent, 18 19; Mexican, 20/ 20/ ; Peruvian Four-and-a-Half per Cent, 9394 ; Ditto Three per Cent, 71 73; Ditto Uribarren. 80 82 ; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 78 80; Grenada Deferred, 5 51 ; Ditto Active, 17 18 ; Chilian Six per Cent, 102 104 ; Ditto Three per Cent, 71 73 ; Ditto Four-and-a-Half per Cent, 87 89; Brazilian, 94 95; Russian Five per Cents, 99 100; Sardinian, 85 87; Austrian, 85 87 ' • Victor Emmanuel, 90 92. Business in the English Railway Share Market has been somewhat im- proved, and the dealings rather active, and prices up to today well supported, arising, in a great measure, from scarcity of stock and the favourable character of the principal traffic returns. Speculative operations have only been limited. The chief quotations this afternoon are as follows : —North
Staffordshire, 4/ 4/ discount ; Midland, 106 l061 ; Great Western, C0160¢ ; London and North-Western, 95196} ; London and South Western, 91+ 921 • Lancashire and Yorkshire, 96} 971 : Chester and Holyhead, 49 50; Caledonian, 851 85, ; Berwick, 89 891; London and Brighton, 109 110 ; South Eastern and Dover, 751 761; Great Northern, 102 104; North British, 301 31. The markets have been almost deserted all day. The French Market is steady in character, but the majority of speculators are at the present moment out of town. Lombardo-Venetian shares have been in demand at improved rates ; the Old at 2 21 and the New 21 21 ; Northern of France, 36+ 371; Paris and Lyons, 341 35. Indian shares are good : the satisfactory manner in which the loan has been taken, has given some impulse to dealings. East Indian 100 101 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 97198} ; Madras, 201. shares, 18+ 19. In miscellaneous stocks aud shares there is nothing of importance to notice.