[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Your correspondent, Rosamond Lehmann, by addressing her request for books for the Spanish sick and wounded to : "anyone of your readers who has been ill—by which I mean every one of your readers "—would seem to acknowledge the universality of suffering.
And yet, in the very next paragraph, she naïvely suggests that her appeal is exclusively in the interests of the " Inter- national and Spanish Brigades."
Are we therefore to presume that, in her opinion, General Franco's wounded are not in the same need of—" the pleasure, not to say the necessity, of books during the period of convales- cence," or is she under the impression that—" every one of your readers "—is so hostile to General Franco, and to all that his armies are fighting for, as to deny an equal need of entertainment for his convalescents ?—Yours faithfully,