27 AUGUST 1937, Page 6

Dr. Blunt, the Bishop of Bradford, will live in history

as the man who precipitated the royal crisis of last December. Now he has described in a speech in America exactly how it happened, and incidentally cleared up a previous explanation that many people found bewildering. His statement that when he prepared the famous address that lit the train he had never heard of Mrs. Simpson would ciave been received with frank incredulity, but for the faith universally placed in a Bishop's veracity (or the belief in his detachment from the world). Now perplexity is dispelled by Dr. Blunt's explanation that his address to his Diocesan Conference was written some months before it was delivered, and that though by the time of its delivery Mrs. Simpson had swum into his ken, and he realised how his reference to the King might be interpreted, he decided to let it stand. That makes the whole thing quite clear, and in the light of all that has happened there is little in it to regret. * * .* *