SIR,—May I acid a word of factual endorsement to the ideas expressed. by Captain Gammans in your issue of August 20th? For something over two years prior to 1914 I was secretary to the Warden (Governor) of the Penitentiary (Convict Prison) at New Westminster, British Columbia. There were, I think, about two hundred convicts in the prison, serving sentences of two years and over. We had, inter (ilia, a tailor's shop, shoe, carpentry and blacksmith shops. All clothing and footwear for the prisoners and all officers' uniforms were made on the premises. I have myself worn excellent prison-made shoes and used prison-made furniture. All repairs were done on the premises. In the carpentry shop a boat was built which was used for collecting driftwood from the Fraser River. During this time a large new wing was being built. All the work was done by the prisoners, and all the instructors and supervisors were regular prison officers. As far as I know no outsider had any hand in anything that was done. This was thirty-five years ago and seems to justify in• advance Captain Gammans' contentions.—Yours truly, W. A. WELLS.
9 Victoria Street, S.W. r.