27 AUGUST 1965, Page 11


From: Professor I. A. Rex, David Charles Rose, Dr. David Stafjord Clark and others, Frank Pomeranz,. Professor Sir Denis Brogan, Calvin llofintan, George Edinger, H. E. Whitaker.

Defending the White Paper

So Roy Hattersley is supporting immigration control for the sake of poor Mrs. Seargent! Well, I happen to have been making a study of his con- stituency and I'd like to tell him what's really hap- Pening to people there.

Mrs. Seargent moved out to the estate in Acocks Green last month as she was fully entitled to with all those children. Lucky for her that she was born Brummy! She's not angry with the coloureds any more because there just aren't any out there. ,

hings are a bit tougher, though, for Mrs. de Gourcy, from St. Kitts, who moved into her rooms. She came a year ago and she also has four children, but they told her at the Housing Department that She couldn't go on the list for another four years. And she's rather afraid that when she does get a house it'll be like the patched slum they gave her cousin in Ladywood. She and Mrs. Murphy, from kerrV. who lives upstairs, are both very grateful to Mr. Ghulam Ahmad, who has let them their rooms, even though they have to pay through the nose for them.

Mrs. de Courcy's brother was coming over to take a job, but he probably won't come now and ,.,Mrs. Murphy is bringing her nephew over instead. mit they're all a bit worried because Mr. Ahmad

as prosecuted and lined the other day for taking In another lodger and they say the Public Health 13epartment might close the house down. Neither the de Courcys nor the Murphys know what they Will do then.

Oh yes! One last thing! Mrs.' de Courcy voted for Mr. Hattersley last time after what her husband told her about Mr. Wilson's speech in the Rag Market. She's decided not to vote next time.

80 Ilallgarth Street, Durham