Sik,---As one of the radical correspondents with Pen already poised,
I am cheered by Mr. Hattersley's answer to my imputed question as to how his advocacy 'differs from the worst sort of racial Propaganda.' The answer, says he, Is simple: the Motives are different.' How nice! And how re- assuring for the immigrant who will now be told that he is being refused entry for good reasons (the 'prejudices' and lack of 'social self-confidence' of Mrs. Seargent) instead of bad ones (the 'squalid Motives of some of the supporters' of the 1962 Act). x.,„Others more qualified than I will dissect the ,711ite Paper's integration proposals and the feeble '‘ace Relations Bill which is their stable mate, but IrlaY I make two points? First, to a'sk whether Scots University students who take vacation jobs in 'Lnttland will be sent home like their Jamaican Colleagues. Secondly, to point out that such sending ilorne is no longer to be 'deportation' as in the bad Md days, but under the new dispensation its place Is to be taken by 'repatriation.' Those 'different motives' arc a-bustin' out all over the White Paper. , Finally, sir, 1 do not live in 'a cloister' (it is a :avnurite ploy of apologists for control that all !heir opponents have never seen an African or West .1ndian in their NW3 lives). But often wonder !I. those who spare no thought for the feelings of Me immigrants themselves, who see Common- 'vealt411 immigration being cut down while European Immigration rises, and are still told that restrictions nave nothing to do with colour, arc not really the °21,,es who are living in a new Thebaict, with plenty °I sand around for the greater convenience of head-
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