27 DECEMBER 1845, Page 10



THE prices of all sorts of Stocks, both Foreign and English, have advanced ma- terially; Consols for Account having risen nearly 2 per cent since our last re- port. At one time today the price was as high as 95* ; closing, however, at 94i 4. No very large operations have occurred: the rise was chiefly occasioned by the forced purchases of the speculators who had sold in anticipation of a fell, and who by the change of circumstances have thus been compelled to close their accounts with considerable loss. There is also a tendency among speculators to buy at this period of the year, with a view to the effect of the reinvestments that

usually occur after the dividends. The other English Funds have advanced proportionally. Bank Stock has risen to 204; and the premium of Exchequer Bills has improved. Money, however, is still in demand ; and the rate of dis- count may be stated at between 34 and 4 per cent. In the Foreign Market, most of the Stocks usually current are from 1 to 2 per cent higher than last week. Spanish Stock has been the subject of some fluctu- ation ; and business of a more extensive character than usual has occurred in it. In consequence of the near approach of the time when the dividends become due, the Three per Cents had advanced to 404 ; at which price a heavy sale occurred on Wednesday. Intelligence received from Madrid this morning having brought advice of a decline of 1 per cent in prices there, a sudden reaction occurred, and the Three per Cents fell to 394; while the Five per Cents, which had been at 30, de- clined to 284. With the improvement of Consols today prices have again ad- vanced; the Five per .Cents to 294 ; while the Three per Cents, which had once more reached 404, close slightly lower. Both varieties of Dutch Bonds have ad- vanced about 1 per cent. Portuguese Stock seems also to have been in demand : the Three per Cents advanced to 61, and the Four per Cents to 604. Both varieties of Mexican Stock are rather more than 1 per cent higher ; as are Co- lumbian and other South American Bonds. The general tone of the market is entirely altered ; the disposition to purchase most kinds of Stock being as prevalent as the contrary one to sell has been for some time past.

Under these altered circumstances, it is almost needless to say that all descrip- tions of Shares have improved. The rise in price has been most remarkable in the older and more established lines; the Great Western baying risen more than 101.; Birmingham, from 6/. to Si.; others of the some class in nearly a similar degree; while in the lesser varieties of Registered Shares the rise has been from 11. to 21.

The Paris and Lyons line has been adjudged to the Amalgamated Companies at the Ministerial maximum of lease. This event has caused an improvement in the price of the Shares generally; those of most of the Constituent Companies being at from 4 to 4 premium; those of the Constituted line have been at 5 premium, and are now about 44. A considerable improvement has occurred in the shares of the Constituted Northern line; they have advanced both here and in Paris between 41. and 51. It was generally believed that the accession of Lord John Russell to the Government in England would lead to the downfall of the Ministry (AM. Guizot ; and several sales of the Shares above noticed were made in anticipation. The speculators have, however, been mistaken; and the necessity of closing their accounts has produced the effect upon the market to which we have just adverted. A tendency to rise is visible in the Belgian Shares; but neither the fluctuation in them nor the business transacted has been of sufficient importance to require remark.


No change has occurred in the prices of the English or Foreign Funds; which are the same as at the close of business yesterday. The Share Market con- tinues improving; and we have to notice the following bargains, some of which are in advance of yesterday's prices: Eastern Counties, 214; Birmingham, 224; Ditto Third Shares, 4-1; Ditto QuarterShares, 28; Brighton, 654; Croydon, 224; South- western, 77; London and York, 44; Manchester and Leeds Half Shares, 42; Great North of England, 244; South-eastern and Dover, No. 2, 9. No change in the French ; and very little occurring in them, in consequence of the non-arrival of the French Mail.


The English Funds close at an advance of nearly * per cent; Consols for Ac- count having been done at 95. In the Foreign Market, prices are nearly the same; the general tendency being upward.

3 per Cent Consols .....


shut. Columbian ex Venezuela • • - 161 171 Ditto for Account

941 5 Danish 3 per Cents 86 7

3 per Cent Reduced

954 f, Dutch 21 per Cents 601 1 31 per Cents

971 f Ditto 4 per Cents 931 4 Long Annuities

101 9-16 Mexican 5 per Cents 311 1 Bank Stock

202 4 Ditto Deferred 161 17

Exchequer Bills Prem.

23 5

Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841 59 61 India Stock

shut. Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 Prem. 59 61 Brazilian 5 per Cents

80 82 Russian 5 per Cents .ex div 112 114 Belgian 91 per Cents

95 97 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 90 1 ehillan 6 per Cents

96 8 Ditto 3 per Cents 1892 29 1

The better class of Railway Shares are advancing; but there is scarcely any market for the generality of Scrip Shares, very few of which are saleable above par. We have to notice the occurrence of the following bargains, in addition to those given in the morning.


100 Birmingham and Gloucester



Business done.

127 Average Eastern Counties 14 16 214 21 25 Eastern Counties, New 4 16

71 4

100 Great Western 80 162 60 50 Great Western, Half.shares 50 93 Mock London and Birmingham 100 224 2 4 32 London and Birmingham, Thirds 10 44 5 25 London and Birmingham, Quarters 2 28

Average London and Blackwall 16.13.4 91

50 London and Brighton 50 6.51 5 Average London and Croydon 13.15.9 224 11 Average London and South-western 41.6.10 77 6 50 London end York 100 Manchester and Leeds 40 Manchester and Birmingham Biack Midland 50 North Kent and Dover Direct 25 Scottish :Midland Average South-eastern and Dover 21 76 40 100 21 11 32.3.4 41 f 133 781 7 9 157 8 5 3

51 4 38

50 South-eastern and Dover, New, No. 2 7 91


20 Boulogne and Amiens 8 1 lf 20 Dendre Valley 2


20 Dutch-Rhenish 5

844 I

20 Great Northern of France, Constituted 5 151 20 Great Paris and Lyons 2 21 20 Jamaica South Midland Junction 1 1 20 Louvain and Jemeppe 4 21 20 Luxembourg 4 21 3 21 20 Orleans and Bordeaux 6 111

20.16.8 Over Yssel

4.3.4 11

20 Paris and Lyons (Lajiltes)

2 21 20 Paris and Lyons (Cannerea's) 3


20 Paris and Lyons (Caton's) 2 21 20 Paris and Orleans 20 971

— West Flanders

4 5