Sra,—It is surely very remarkable, though I have not seen it noticed anywhere, that the Leaders of the Government and of the Opposition in both Houses of Parliament, as well as the Speaker, are members of one and the same College at Cam- bridge, and, with the exception of Mr. Balfour, took their degrees within four years of each other : the Duke of Devon- shire in 1854, Mr. Gully in 1856, Earl Spencer in 1857, and Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman in 1858. I believe they were all in residence at the same time. Sir William Harcourt is also a distinguished member of the same College. At one time it was thought likely that Lord Halsbury would resign and be succeeded by Lord Alyerstone. This would have com- pleted the list of chief officials in the two Houses, as he also is a member of Trinity College. I was amused to read a few days since in a popular periodical that Cambridge is not the University of statesmen but of poets.—I am, Sir, &c., TRIN. COLL. CAM.