27 DECEMBER 1902, Page 25


[Undsr thia heading we notice ouch Books of tl. sub as hava not been ressrvid for rerun') in othor forms.] A Letter on the Education Bill. By the Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, M.P (Eyre and Spottiswoode. 2d.)—We are not going to discuss the Education Bill in these columns. What was the most powerful part of Mr. Balfour's polemic is the argument that the support of School Board education out of rates has been as much an outrage on the conscience of the objecting ratepayer as any provision of the new Bill can be. Religious teaching that does not rest on the divinity of Christ is to the vast majority of Christians not religious at all, and yet they have been compelled to pay for it. But it is as a piece of literature that we would

chiefly praise this letter. It is not often that we see a noisy and illogical rhetorician exposed with such clearness and cogency.