Scrwox-Booirs.—Caesar's Gallic War, Book I. Edited by A. S. Wilkins,
LL.D. (J. M. Dent and Co. Is. 4d.)—Caesar's Gallic War, II. and III. Edited by A. C. Patterson, MA. (Same pub- lishers. is. 4d.)—These two volumes belong to the same series, and there seems a certain waste of space in the introductions, which in part go over the same ground. Otherwise, the two books will be found useful. Both are furnished with illustrations, and with vocabularies. Here, again, there must be repetition. There is surely much waste of labour in our system of school-book publishing. Editions are unnecessarily repeated, while works of great importance, as the " Noctes " of Aulus Gellius and the "Natural History" of the Elder Pliny, are left absolutely alone. —C. Se/testi Crisp/ Jugurtha. Edited by W. C. Summers, M.A. (Cambridge University Press. 2s. 6d.)—We have no fault to find with the edition, but has not substantially the same thing been done before ? Is Dean Merivale's edition obsolete ?—Vergil, ZEneid X.-XI. Edited by Arthur Sidgwick, M.A. (Same pub- lishers. ls.6d.)—Each book is separately published.—Longfellow's Hiawatha and Evangeline. With Notes by R. G. McKinley, M.A. (Relfe Brothers, is. net.)—Hints on Essay Writing for Schools. By C. H. Hodgson, M.A. (Same publishers.)—Idiomatic Phrases (French-English). By Edward Latham. (Swan Sonnen- schein and Co. ls.)--French Words and Phrases. By A. G. Anderson and F. Storr. (W. Rice. is.)