An inter-denominational appeal has also been issued by the Bishop
of Durham ; the Rev. Dr. Molar° Gibson, ex-Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of England Assembly ; the Rev. F. B. Meyer, ex-Chairman of the Baptist Union and ex-Secretary of the Free Church Council; and other dis- tinguished Free Church clergymen, including the Rev. Dr. Scott Lidgett, ex-President of the Wesleyan Conference. The appeal states that-
" In view of the present disturbed state of national and Imperial affairs we have felt it incumbent upon us to appeal to the ministers of religion of all denominations to unite with their congregations in fervent prayer that it may please God to mitigate the present distress and to grant peace in our time, to give wisdom to our rulers and a spirit of concord and brotherly love to our peoples. The present disturbed state of Ireland, and threatening labour troubles in England and Wales, and the racial strife in South Africa are the principal causes which justify our appeal, and we venture to suggest the last Sunday in the year as a suitable time for such a general act of petition and intercession on the part of all Christian people in this country."