Winter Sports in Switzerland. By E. F. Benson. Illustrated in
colour by C. Fleming Williams, and with photographs by Mrs. Aubrey Le Blond. (George Allen and Co. 15s. net.)— Mr. E. F. Benson has written an intermittently amusing book, marred here and there, it is true, by wearisome descents into an elaborate jocularity, but giving on the whole a spirited account of the pastimes of a Swiss winter. The style in which it is written is every now and then curiously amateurish, as, for example, in the following sentence which describes the prelude to a ski jump: "He shoves off with his sticks, leaving them standing in the snow (for no jumper uses sticks when he jumps, which would be highly dangerous), and at swiftly accelerating speed glides down the slope." Many of the photographic illustrations are excellent, but Mr. Fleming Williams's three-colour process plates suffer from the usual faults of this blatant and colour-blind device.