SIR,—As Mr. Peter Fleming's article is certain to be gibbeted
by so- called " humanitarians," may a humble (if in some ways heterodox) priest be allowed to commend it? To my mind it was stark commonsense throughout, and I thank Mr. Fleming warmly for having written it, and you, Sir, for having published it. Except in the eyes of fools {and some financiers) war is admittedly a loathsome evil ; but, when it is forced upon us by aggressor nations, it is obviously our duty to out-manoeuvre the foe at all costs. "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might." Personally, indeed, I regret that we did not solve the atomic problem long before the Germans invented their devilish flying-bombs. Had we been able to deal with Essen as we dealt with Hiroshima, we should speedily have brought the Western barbarians to their knees, and thus have curtailed those long-drawn-Out years of agony and horror.—