(4 Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week Yanitary 7th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a aid. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
I. No great shakes at music ? (11.) 9. Where one man at least was always sure of a living. (4.) JO. Mess in a but (anag.). (so.) 12. Hurry with the coal, or we may sink! (7.) 52. Famous among travellers' tales. (7.) 14. A writer urged that he should be a witness of punching. (9.) i6. Hard criterion. (5• 19. Something like turbot, but not brilliant enough. (5.) 20. The price of superficial lines. (5, 4.) 22. Not lacking hose. (7.) 24. " Alack, alack, I fear my Thisby's - is forgot " (Shakespeare). (7.) 27. What the miller said when he spilt his goods • but he seems to have done well. (to.) 28. Just the character to silence them briefly. (4-) 29. Eery phantom (anag.). (IL)
2. "Helen's beauty in a brow of -" (Shakespeare). (5.)
3. Where is the ship that sails west from Spithead ? (8.) 4. Uranus drops an article. (4-) 5. &&&&&&. (6.) 6. Streate. (9.) 7. Seat of censure. (8.) 8. Old advice. (4.) 13. Up and down and flat. (5.) 15. Melchester. 0.) 17. "- Hall, that in the distance over- looks the sandy tracts " (Tennyson). (8.) 28. It might have been dirt once. (2, 6.) 21. Not the resister's voice. (6.) 23. Law's got so boring. (4.) 25• " Parting is such sweet sorrow " is probably not his favourite quotation. (5.) z6. Be off and erd the sneeze. (4.)