[Answers to these questions will appear in THE SPECTATOR of January 3rd.] Politics and History.
Who said ?
(a) " The lamps are going out all over Europe."
(b) "A peerage or Westminster Abbey."
(c) "Bishops have produced more mischief in this world than any class of officials that has ever been invented."
(d) " The English are always inclined to side with a weak party which is in the wrong rather than with a strong party which is in the right."
(e) "What is true in morals is true in statesmanship."
(f) " You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold."
Where do the following passages occur?
(a) "When one is married and a man of genius one must take the consequences."
(b) " Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains." • (c) "Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might occur to others, that what you were or might have been, was not otherwise than you had been, would have occurred to them to be otherwise."
(d) "The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong."
(e) " To what base uses we may return ! "
(f) "The Puritans hated bear-baiting, not because it gave pain to the bear, but because it gave pleasure to the spectators."
Who wrote?
(a) "We mortal millions live alone."
(b) " Laugh at a fall and baffled get up and begin again."
(c) "God that is our home."
(d) "Better to err with Pope than shine with Pye."
(e) "Only a sweet and virtuous soul Like seasoned timber never gives."
(f) "We are betrayed by what is false within."
Who were the authors of ?
(a) Les Yeux d'Elsa.
(b) The Consolation of Philosophy.
(c) Amelia.
(d) Kleiner Mann, was nun?
(e) Antigone.
(f) I Promessi Sposi.
(a) Who painted Guernica ?
(b) Who painted a king's son after execution ?
(c) Who was the exponent of pointillisme ?
(d) What Renaissance painter and sculptor wrote famous sonnets ?
(e) Who painted the Tripps ?
(f) What painter is said to have painted an 0 as a proof of his powers ?
Music. Sports.
(b) What famous nineteenth-century composer put many of (a) Waiting on. Goethe's lyrics to music ? (b) Ryepeck.
(c) To what composer in his last illness did the London Phil- (c) Gralloch.
harmonic Society send krool? (d) Strike. (d) Who wrote North Country Sketches? (e) Jigger. (e) What conductor recently postponed visits abroad as a political (f) Dedans.
protest ? Bird and Beast
(f) Who put Tasso's poetry to music ? To whom did the following belong?
Plays. (a) Falla.
Who wrote ? (b) Copenhagen.
(a) The Young Idea. (c) Barbary.
(b) Huis Clos. (d) Grip.
(c) Six Characters in Search of an Author. (e) Rosinante.
(d) Johnson over Jordan. (f) Cap'n Flint. (e) The Lady from the Sea.
(f) The Skin Game.
Who were the directors of ?
(a) Blackmail.
(b) Drifters.
(c) The Magnificent Ambersons.
(d) Alexander Nevski.
(e) Brief Encounter.
(f) Zero de Conduite.
Geography. Where are ?
(a) Ormuz.
(b) The Bata'an Peninsula.
(c) The Culebra Cut.
(d) King Edward VII Land.
(e) LlanfairpwlIgwyngyll.
(f) Rabaul.
Recent Events.
What were the dates of ?
- (a) The Munich Agreement.
(b) The beginning of the General Strike.
(c) The attack on Pearl Harbour.
(d) The Abdication of Edward VIII.
(e) The Fall of Singapore.
(f) The Atlantic Charter.
Where are the following people buried ?
(a) Byron.
(b) John Bunyan.
(c) Jane Austen.
(d) D. H. Lawrence.
(e) Mrs. Browning.
(f) Florence Nightingale.
Famous Figures Who are or were the following?
(a) Sir Andrew Freeport.
(b) Lobengula.
(c) Dorothy Osborne.
(d) Calliope.
(e) Francis Barber.
(f) The Sea Green Incorruptible.
Famous Events.
What were the following ?
(a) The Pilgrimage of Grace.
(b) The Defenestration of Prague.
(c) The Boston Tea-party.
(d) The Sicilian Vespers.
(e) The Black Death.
(f) Peterloo.
(a) Who wrote Coppelia ? With what sports or games do you connect the following terms ?