27 DECEMBER 1957, Page 23


5 One ducks, it seems, on reaching these verandahs

I `From of the world I turn to ducks, Beautiful, comical things' (Harvey) (8). ACROSS


know 9 But should it not have been a B.S., equally? (8). ham-

ough 10 Supporter with a perpetual grumble (6).

larke 12 Rough sea round the returning unit can be very 'ecast sudden (6). 13 How the Back Benchers hold their leader, perhaps? (8). Turn a perusal into something out of this world (12). So the mendicant seems not to be wanted here (5, 7). 23 Fresh seaside sanctuary (8).

24 Work time, by,the look of it, for the old scholar didn't get him to the 'op (6).

26 Does he strip for duty? t6).

27 I'm so blue! (8) 28 Engage a silent turn? (6)


11 now 29 Blissful spot—drinks gratis and no duties! (4-4) :st of 15

18 DOWN 1 An ordinary little cat was first, let it be duly noted (6).

2 Beg oil as a favour (6).

3 Does it supply music at a French watering-place?

(7) 4 Dream up something Gallic (4).

6 Allowance for waste about ink is paltry (7).

7 No change in the fare (8).

8 How Katharina struck Petruchio? (8) 11 Concern about horse slaughter? (7), 14 Rev up in court, to catch your hare! (7) 16 Aping ape is an inspiration (8).

17 Firework that might cause a puncture (8).

19 They're much in evidence in a chin-wag on the Mappin Terraces (7).

20 Give me a hit of catmint and a song, says the old seaman (7).

21 And horn to be a guide? (6) 22 The trumpet-call of Shakespeare (6).

25 `No passion so effectually robs the mind of all Its powers of acting and reasoning as -- (Burke) (4).

Two prizes will be AN arded: a copy of the Dc Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will he awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened at noon on January 7 and addressed: Crossword No. 972, 99 Gower St., London, WCI.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.

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