Just as the proof impression of this notice was passing
through our hands, we received the following letter from Dr. PARIS. It is almost needless to usher it into the columns of the Spectator with an assurance, that we have every reason to trust the accu- racy as well as honour of Dr. PARIS; and that we shall always be happy, as well as bound in duty, to do him justice.
Dover Street, Thursda7.
EDITort—As your journal was the channel through which I gave to the public those original notices of the Life and Labours of Sir Hemmer DAvY, which subsequently formed the basis of a more extended work, so I trust it will now afford me the means of repelling those aspersions with which the brother of the late philosopher, from motives best known to himself; has thought proper to besprinkle me from the deepest sources of his bitterness. Bly professional engagements not having yet allowed me sufficient leisure to give an answer to the scientific eritieisms of his work, my present object is merely to contradict an assertion contained in the Preface of Dr. DAvv's Life, which I consider as a direct charge upon my veracity. Contrary to my ex- press declaration that he "was ab'cnt front Englad," and therefore could not be consulted by me on the subject of his brother's Life, he makes this statement- . Thar I was is Engl,nd a fortnight after LmIy Pary ; that I remained in Eng- lawl from Nev,rillier 1;29 till the etAl of March ; that I was a _rent Fart of that time in Louden, en.:ag,il in editing my In-othrt'A last s.ak, which. with all hi. oth,1 aass.. hn e et teqs.ettea to tee ; tit,te Dr. kne•m; i was in En:*nd, and me, society, y ` 71,:de any effinnaacatiun to ne sciatica fa the sunk which he was I ant bound to believe that Dr. DA va- arrived in 1:10-litid at the period above mentioned, or, int !i uhardly, he wined not have so state.: it. I must, bmunev r, be allowad that I did not know it ; nor did I meet him in society ; nor did I ever hear cc his being in 1.orion, until loin,. after I had signed ana7ree- tnent with ENTLEY for a biographical work. It is quite true that, 1,i foie the publication of the book, I met Dr. 'JAVA- at the Athenaeum, and was about to express my surprise at his appearance in England, will to converse with him on the subject in question; but he repulsed my approach, in a manner which rendered any further advance on my part impossible. I can only now repeat, that, hail 1 supposed it probable Dr. DA v v would Lave undertaken the Biography, I should most certainly never have attempted it; and I regret that I had not the means of becoming acquainted with his wishes, until long after the period at which I had entered into such an oldigation with the publishers, as, whatever might have been my own wishes, left me no alternative.