11bc Court.
The King rode over to Windso- on Monday, accompanied by Sir Henry Wheatley, and inspected some repairs and improvements now in progress in the Castle and on the grounds. He returned to St. James's Palace in the afternoon.
His Majesty held a Levee, the first of the season, nt St. James's Palace, on Tuesday. Several addresses from the new Municipal Cor- porations were presented. The company was very numerous and bril- liant. Among them were—the Dukes of Cleveland, Hamilton, Nor- folk, Leinster, and Wellington ; the Marquises of Westminster, Headfort, and Salisbury ; the Earls of Devon, Harrowhy, Dundonald, and Aberdeen ; Lords Langdale, Lyndhurst, Cochrane, Stanley, Byron, and Ellenborough ; the Bishops of Hereford, Exeter, Chichester, Carlisle, and Gloucester; 's‘lessrs. Denman, Stephen, Hutt, R. Bid- dulpb, Ord, Babbage, Chisholm ; and a long list of Admirals, Gene- rals, Colonels, Captains, and Cornets.
On Wednesday, the Queen's birth-day was celebrated, and the first Drawing-room of the season was held. The usual congratulatory ad- dress from the Bishops was read to her Majesty in the morning, by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The other ceremonies prescribed on the occasion appear to have been carefully observed. The Dutchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria went in state to the Palace, with four carriages, and escorted by a regiment ofeisife- Guards. The dresses of both were composed entirely of British and Irish manufactures. The list of the company and the descriptions of the ladies' dresses occupy four columns of the Morning Post. There were no presenta- tions, but the Company was very numerous. Their Majesties had a select party in the evening to dinner. Several of the Ministers and the chief officers of the Household gave dinner parties.
The assembly at Lansdowne House was remarkably brilliant ; the company comprising all the Foreign Ambassadors, nearly the whole Court, and most of the distinguished fashionables in town.