int enttntrp.
The stock of wine of the late Corporation of Worcester is announced for sale by auction in the course of the ensuing month of March. The quantity to he disposed of is about :280 dozen, after reserving 30 dozen for the use of the sick poor.
The wine belonging to the late Corporation of Louth was sold last week for 2001.
The Leicester Corporation plate, maces, and cooking apparatus, has been disposed of for 11401.
The Reformers of Bradford are looking out for a candidate to oppose Mr. Hardy fool-Hardyas they call him—at the next election.
A public-house-keeper was charged before the Huddersfield Magis-
trates the other day, with selling unstamped newspapers. The Magis- trates asked him if he intended to persevere in this illegal calling ? Ile replied in a loud voice, " I do," and was greeted with a tremendous cheer from the people with whom the Court-house was crammed. The Magistrates are said to have been somewhat appalled by this exhibition of popular feeling. The prisoner was sent away, appa- rently because his judges did not think it prudent to sentence him at that time ; but in his absence it was condemned to pay a fine of 801., or go to York Gaol for six months. It is said that his family will be provided for by subscription. The informer against the prisoner is not safe from personal violence, and the Magistrates have taken especial measures for his protection. [It is to be hoped that the abolition of the Stamp-duties will not be long delayed : the opposition to them in the manufacturing districts is becoming formidable.]