27 FEBRUARY 1841, Page 11



There has been but little business doing during the week, and the fluctuation in the English Funds has not exceeded per cent. The market was heavy, on account of the settlement of the Conaol Account, and the Continuation, or pre- mium paid by the speculator for carrying Stock over to April, was s per cent., being higher than ordinary. A temporary relief was, however, experienced from 300,0001. Stock being taken by some eminent Hebrew speculators ; but the market is still heavy, and the pressure for money has continued the same ; the difference between the quotation for Money and the Account being to- day fully as high as yesterday. The price for Money, which was yesterday 881, has been to-day as high as 881, and that for Account, which was yesterday 89, has been to-day as high. as 894. Bank and India Stock are without material alteration. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has improved is., and these securities are to-day 5s. to 7s. The Foreign .Exchanges have risen both on Tuesday afternoon and to-day, and it is to this circumstance that the firmness of the market is to be attributed. The house of MONTEFIORE Brothers suspended payment yesterday. From the connexion of the members of the firm, who are of the Jewish persuasion, with some of the most eminent members of that community, its credit was of the highest chardeter. We understand that the difficulties to which it has been obliged to yield are merely of a temporary nature, arising from the delay of large shipments of wool upon which its agents in Australia have made advances, and that eventually it will be able to fulfil all engagements. The liabilities of the house are about 100,000/. ; more than half of which arises from the friendly support which has been received from the opulent members of the Hebrew nation. The firm is of but recent establish- ment; but the activity of its members had secured to it a large portion of the Australian trade, to which its operations were almost entirely confined. The books of the various Stocks the Dividends upon which will become due in April, will close as follows— The following notice was yesterday issued after the meeting of the Bank Directors : it differs only from the usual quarterly notices of the same kind as including both Exchequer Bills and India Bonds as securities upon which the Corporation are ready to make advances- .' The Governor and Company of the Bank of England are ready, until further notice, to receive applications for loans upon the deposit of approved Bills of Exchange not having more than six months to run, Exchequer Bills, and East India Bonds ; such loans to be repaid on or before 21st April next, with interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per azuumc;fa;31:4to fArttur;,?esbof not less than 2,0001. each.

The transactions in the Foreign Market have been as unimportant as those of the English Funds, being almost entirely confined to some transactions in the Scrip of the New Belgian Loan, which has advanced, and been quoted at 2 premium, and some operations in Dutch Stock, which has been firm during the week, and has to-day risen 4 per cent., in consequence of a similar improvement in Amsterdam. The other European Stocks have been without material varia- tion, as have the South American and Mexican. The Spanish Active Stock has been steady : on one occasion a sale of 60,000/. at 234 was made by an in- fluential broker ; but as a purchase to nearly a similar extent occurred at the same time, the market assumed a better tone, and improved about per cent. It has, however, given way again, under the united operation of the pressure of the Account and scarcity of money, and is to-day. at 234 24. We cannot no- tice any transactions in Portuguese ponds, but call our reader's attention to a notice from the Financial Agents of the Government at Lisbon, to the effect that as the Bonds for the approaching conversion of the existing Stock will not be ready till the lot April, there is no necessity for the holders of the Stock to give immediate notice of their desire to convert their Bonds.

The settlement of the Foreign Account occurred to-day, and was remarkable only for the demand for money which occurred towards the end of business ; interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum having been paid on loans for short periods.


Prices are heavier this morning, in consequence of the pressure for money. Consols for Money have been done at 881, which is 4 lower than the highest quotation of yesterday ; while the price for the Account is 89. The premium of Exchequer Bills has improved Is., and is quoted at 6s. to 8s. India Bonds have been done at I9s. discount. In the Foreign Market, money is in great demand ; but the only business that occurred has been in Spanish Active Stock, which has been as low as 234: the market has, however, since improved, and there are now sellers at 234 for Money, and buyers at that price for the Ac- count. The Northern European Stocks are quoted nominally higher than yesterday ; but the only business occurring in them has been a bargain in Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents., at 504. The South American are rather firmer, with the exception of Chilian: Mexican are also a shade better, and have been done at 274.


Money was very much in demand in the course of the day, but became more plentiful towards the close of business. There have been sellers of Consols for Account at 89; but at the close of the market there were buyers at that quo- tation. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has improved ; and after being done as high as 9s., closes at 78. to 9s. premium. In the Foreign Market, prices are generally the same, with the exception of Mexican Five per Cents., which have been done at 28—a slight improvement. A purchase of SpanisllActive Stock has given an impulse to that security, which closes at 24 to 4 ; the arrival of M. GONZALES in England being supposed to be connected with some arrangements favourable to the interests of the Bondholders.

3 per Cent. Consols 884 Belgian 5 per Cents. 984 9# Ditto for Account


Columbian 6 per Cents 22+ 3 3 per Cent. Reduced ........

881 i

Danish 3 per Ceuta

771 Si

8t per Cent. Ditto

971 i

Dutch 21- per Cents 50+ 6 New it per Cents


Mexican 5 per Cents. Gonad. 271- 8

Bank Stock

Portuguese Regency Spec Qs.

31t 6 Exchequer Bills ............ 6 8 pm.

Ditto 3 per Cents 191

India Stock for Account,

Russian 5 per Cents . 113 14

Basilian b per Cents 71* 2} Spanish (Active)

231 Shut.

Bank Stock Tuesday. 2d March 3 per Cent. Reduced Annuities Wednesday, 3d -

3e per Gest. ditto, ditto Friday, 5th — ....

31- Annuities (1818) 5111

Long Annuities Monday, 1st - Annuities Terms of Years Saturday, 6th

Old South Sea Annuities Friday, 5th - East India Stock Thursday. 4th


Tuesday. 13th April Wednesday. 21st . Tuesday, • Oth Friday, 16th Saturday, 17th Tuesday, 20th — Wednesday.l4th Thursday, 15th —