Abercromby.1 In.G.R.Childers. 3, W. G,:lon. W Downe Listowel, Earl of Acheson. L rd Visct. C.ay. Wall:1m Gishorne. Thomas Leh. James Adam. Admiral Clayton. S:r W. R. il,,rd,n, Robort Lushington, Charles Agliouby. II. A. Clements. Lord V iset.Gra•tan. James Lushington, Hon. S.
Alston, Rowland Clive, E. Bolton Grattan. Henry Lynch. Andrew II. Anson, lloa. Colonel Collier, John Greenaway, Charles Macaulay, Hr. T. B.
Anson, Sir George Collins, William Greg. R. H. Macnamara, Major
Archbo'd, Robert Corbally, Matthew F. Gray, Et. tin. Sir C. M'Taggart, John Bainbridge, E. Thus. Cowper. lion. W. F. Gre.v. Rt. lin. Sir G. Marshall. William
Baines. Edward Craig, William G. Croivenor, Lord Rt. Marsland, Henry Bannerman, Alex. Crawford, William Grote, George Martin, John Baring. Rt. Il rl. F. T. Crawley, Samuel Curd Sir John Melgund, Lord Viset. Barnard. Ed. George Crompton. Sir S. I fall, sir Benjamin 31ildmay, P. St. John Barron. H. Winston Currie, Raikes Handler, henry Milton. Lord Visct. Barry, G. Standish Dalmeny, Lord I larlatia, W. Charles M..11, sword'. Sir W. Basset. John Daslivrouti, G. II. Ilastie, Archibald alorpeth. Lord Visct. Beamish. Francis B. Denis al, William J. Ilawas, Benjamin Morris. David
Bellew, R. M. Dennistotin, J. II:ov:slos..t.11..ywoctl Morrison, James Berkeley, Hun. II. D'1,:ynetturt, fla.C.T Hav ter, William 0. Monts, G. Frederick
Berkeley. Hon. G. Mica, Edwatil I leialinsit, John Murray. Alexander Berkeley, He. Crave:, nankin. Sir It S. I leatheote. Sir Gilb. Muskelt. George A. Bernal. Ralph Dia, James Heatheote, Gill,. J. Nagle, Sir Richard Bowes. Th, rims Duke. Sir James Hector, C. John Norreys, Sir Denham
Blake, Martin J. Divican, Lora Visct. Sharon. Sir Robert O'Brien. Wm. S. Blake, William John Diateonibe, 1110■31:15 Hill, Lord A. Marcus O'Callaghan, Hon.C. Blake, Mark Dmalas, C W. D. linalley. Charles O'Connell, Daniel Blewi:t, Reginald .1. Dundas, Frederick Hotilminte, Ha. Sind. O'Connell. John Bodkin, John James Hondas. Sir Robert llobhoute, Thus. B. 0- co....11, M. J. Bowes, Juba LastIonte, John I lodges, T. Law () Connell, Maurice
Brabazon, Lord Elliot, lion. J F. Itollond, Robert O'Conn, r Don Bridgeman. Hew itt Ellice, Capt. Ai,•x . llortmini. Edward ()Ferrell. R. More Briscoe, John Ivatt Ellie ., Rt. II u. E. Hoskin:, Kedgwin Ord, William Brocklehimt, John Ellice, Edward Ilaward.1 la. E. G. G. Oswald ,lames Brodie, Wm. Bird Edis, IV% uu Howard, Fred. J. Paget, Lord Alfred Brothertoti, Jost-ph Etwall. Ralph Howard, Philip II. Paget, Frederick
Browne, R. Dillon Easton, Earl of Howard, tin. C.W.G. Palmer, C. Fyslie
Bryan, George Evans. Sir Dr Lacy Howick. Lord Viset. Palmerston, Lord Buller. Charles Evans, Ge. rge Hume, Joseph Parker, John Buller. Eck ard Evans, William ilumihery. John Paniell. Hon. Sir II.
Bulwer, Sir Lytton Ewart, William Hurd, Rt. Henry Itattison. James Busfeild, William Fazakerley, John N. Hutchins, Ed. John Pease. Joseph Byug, George Fielden, John Hutt, William Peeliell, Captain Byug. Hn. G. Stevens Fenton. John Hutton, Robert Pendarves, E. W. W. 'Callaghan, Daniel Ferguson, Sir R. A. James, William Philipps. Sir Richard Campbell, Sir John Ferguson, Colonel Jervis. John Philips, Mark Carew, Hon.R. S. Fitzatan, Lord Johnson, General Philips, George R. Cavendish, Hon. C. Fitzpatrick. John W. Labouchere, Hu. II. Phillpotts, John Cavendish. Hu. G.II. Fitzroy, Ld. Charles Langdale, Hon. C. Pigot, Rt. Hon. D.
Cayley, E. S. Fitzwilliam,1 In O W. Lang on, Wm. Gore Pinney, William Chalmers, Patrick Fleetwood, Sir P. II. Leader, .. Temple Ponsouby, C.F.A.C.
Chapman, Sir M.L.C.F, rt, John Lemon, Sir Charles Ponsonb.., Hun. J. Chetwynd, Major Forteseue, Thomas Lennox, Lord Geo. Power. James Chichester, J. P. 13, French, Fitzstephen Lister, E. Cuuliffe Price, Sir Robert Protheroe, Edward Shen, Rt. Hon. R. L, Talbot, C. R. M. Westenra, Hon, J. C.
Pryme, George Slaney, R. Agliouby Talfourd, Mr. Sergi. White, Andrew Ramsbottom, John Smith, John Abel Tattered H. William White, Henry Rawdou, Col. J. D. Smith. Benjamin Tavistock, Marquis ofWhite. Samuel Rediugton, Thos, N. Smith, G. R. Thorneley. Thomas Wilbraham. George Rice, Eduard Royd Smith. It. Vernon Townley, R. Greaves Wilde. Sir Thomas Rich. Henry Somers. J. Patrick Troubridge, Sir E.T. Williams, William
Rippou, Cuthbert Somerville, Sir W.M.Tufnell, Henry Wilshere, William Roche, Edmund B. Standish, Charles Turner. Edmund Winnington,SirT.E.
Roche, William Stanley. Massey Turner, William Winnington, H. J. Roche. Sir David Stanley. Hon. W. 0. Verney. Sir Harry Wood.. Charles Bernhard. Charles E. StauslIeld, W. R. C. Villiers, Hon. C. P. Wood, Sir Matthew Rundle. John Staunton. Sir G. T. Vivian. Maj. Charles Wood, George W. Russell. Lord John Steuart. Robert Vivian, John Henry Wood, Benjamin Russell. Ld. Charles Stewart. James Vivian, Sir Hussey Worsley, Lord Rotherfurd, lion. A. 'Stuart, Lord James Wakley, Thomas Wrightson, W. Bettie Salwey. Colonel Stuart, W. Villiers Walker. Richard Wyse, Thomas Sanford, E. Aysliford Stock. Mr. Sergeant Wall, C. Baring Yates, John A. Seholefield, Joshua Strangways, Hon J. Wallace, Robert
Scrape, G. Poultat Strickland, Sir G. Warburton, Henry TELLERS.
Seale, Sir J. Henry Strait, Edward Ward, Henry George Seymour, Lord Style, Sir Charles Wemy ss. Captain Stanley, E. J. Sharpe, General Surrey, Earl of Westeura, Iloti.11. R. Manic, Fox.
MINORITY FOR THE SECOND READING " THIS DAY SIX MONTHS." (294.) Aland, Sir T. Dyke Cresswell. Crosswell Hogg, James Weir Peel, Jonathan
Holmes, Ilan. W. A. Pemberton, Thomas Acland. Thos. Dyke Cripps, Joseph, A'Court. Captain Dalrymple, Sir A. Holmes. William Pereeval, Colonel Adare, Lund Visa. Darner, Hon. DawsonTIope, lion. Charles Pigot. Robert
Hope, Henry T. Plante, lit. Hun. J.
Ainsworth, Peter Darby, George Aff dope, Viscount Darlington, Earl of Geo. W. Pluroptre, John P.
Antrobus. Edmund Its Horsey, S.1 lorsey Hotham, Lord Polhill, Frederick Arbuthnott. Hon. H. Dick, (biotin Houldsworth, Thos. Pollen, Sir John W.
Archdall, Mervyn Disraeli. Benjamin Houstoun, George Pollock, Sir F.
Ashley, Lord Bonita, Abel Runs linglies,W. Bulkeley Praed. William T. Ashley, Hon. Henry Mingles. Sir Charles Hurt. Francis Pringle, Alexander Attwood, Wolverley Douro, Martinis of Ingestre, Ld. Visct. Posey, Philip Attwood. Matthias Dowdeswell, Wm. Inglis. Sir R. Harry Rae. Rt. Hun. Sir W. Reid, Sir John Rae 'Inge, William Drummond, H. HomeIrion, Samuel R Begot, Huai. Wm. Duffield, Thomas Jackson. Mr. Sergi. Richards, Richard Bailey, Joseph Dugdale W. S. James, Sir W. C. Bickford, William Bailey, J..seph juu. Dunbar, George Jenkins, Sir Richard Rose, Sir George Baillie, Colonel Duncombe, But. W. Jermyn, Earl Round, Charles Gray Baillie. II. J. llimeombe, lion. A. Johnstone, Hope Round, John Baker. Edward Dungannon, Lord Joues, John Rushbrooke, Colonel George Baldwin, C. Barry Du Pre, George Jones, Captain Rushont, Baring, Hon. W. B. Ea.4, James Buller Kelly, Fitzroy St. Paul, Sir Horace Barnehy. John Eastuor, Lord Viset. Kemble, Henry Sanderson, Richard Barrington. Ld. Vis. Eaton, R. Jefferson Keri ison , Sir Edward Sandon, Lord Visct. Ilateson. Sir Robert Egerton, W. Talton Relburne, Ld. Visct. Sennett, Hon. J. Y. Bell, Matthew Egerton. Sir Philip Kirk, Peter Shaw, Rt. Ilit. Fred. Bennett, John Egerton. Ld. Francis Knatchbull, Sir E. Sheppard, Thomas Bentinck. Lord G. Eli t, Lord Knight, Henry Gaily Shirley, Evelyn J.
Bethell, Richard Estcourt, Thomas Kuightley, Sir C. Sibthorp, Colonel 131ackburne. Ireland Farnham, E. Basil Lascelles, Hon.W.S. Smith, Abel Blackstone, W. S. Feilden, William Law, lion. C. E. Smyth, Sir G. Henry Blair, James Factor, John M Met Lefroy, Rt. Hon. T. Smythe. Hon. George Blakemore, Richard Fellowes, Edward Lemma, Lord A. Sotherou,T.Estcourt B'ennerhasset,ArthurFilmer, Sir Edmund Liddell, Hon. H. T. Spry. Sir S. Thomas B.,14ero, Henry G. Fitzroy. Hon. Henry Lincoln, Earl of Stanley. Edward
B.,t1ing William Fleming. JohnStanley, Lord
Litton, Edward Botheld, Bedell Follett, Sir William Lockhart. A. M. Start. II. Charles Bradshaw, James Forester, Ha. George Long, Walter Sugden, Sir Edward. Bramstim, T. W. Fox. Sackville Lane Lowther, John Henry Teignmouth, Lord Broadley, Henry Freshfield.J.William Lucas, Edward Tennent, J. Emerson Broadwood, Henry Gaskell, J. Milnes Ligon. Hun. Gen. Thesiger. Frederick Brooke, Sir A. B. Gladstone. W. E. Mackenzie, Thomas Thomas, Col. Henry Brownrigg, S. Gladstone. John N. Mackenzie, W. F. Thompson.Alderman Bruce, Lord Ernest Glynne, Sir S. R. Mackinnon, W. A. Thornhill. George Bruce, C. L. C. Goddard, Ambrose Maclean, Donald Tollernache, Fred, J.
Bruen Colonel Godson, Richard Mahon, Ld. Visct. Trench, Sir Fred.
Bruges. W. II. L. Gordon, Hon. Capt. Maidstone, Ld. Via. Trevor. Hon. G. Rice Buck, Lewis W. Gore. Ormsby J. R. Manners, Lord C. S. Trotter, Johu Buller, Sir J. Yarde Gore, Ormsby W. Marton, George Tyrell Sir J. Tyasen Burr. Iligford Goring. Harry Dent Master, T. W. C. Vere, Sir C. Broke Burrell, Sir Charles Goulburn, Rt Heil. Mathew, George B. Verner, Colonel Caleraft. J. Hales Graham, Sir James Maunsell, T. P. Villiers, Lord Visct.
Campbell. Sir Hugh Grauby, Marquis of Meynell. Captain Vivian. J. Ennis Canning, Sir S. Grant, Sir A. Cray Miles, William Waddington H. S. Cantilupe, Lord Vis. Greene. Thomas Miller, W. H. Walsh, Sir Julio Cartwright, W. RalphOrimsditeh, Thomas Milnes, Richard DI. Welby, G. Earle Castlereagh, IA. Vis. Griniston, Ld. Visct. alonypenny, T. G. Whitmore, T. C. Chapman, Aaron Hale, R. Blagden Dlordannt, Sir John Wilbraham. Bootle Chohnondeley, II. Halford, Henry Morgan, C. Morgan Williams, Robert Christopher. It. A. Hamilton, C. i. B. Morgan. Octavius Williams T. Peers Chute. W. L. Wm. Il rmiltun, Isl. Claud Neeld, Joseph Wilmot. Sir J. E. Wodehouse, Edmond Clements, Henry J. Harcourt, Geo. Gran. Neeld, Juba
Clerk, Sir George Harcourt, G. Simon Nichol', John Wood, Colonel
Clive, Hon. R. II. IIIrdinge, Sir Henry Norreys, Lord Wood, Colonel T. Cochrane. Sir T. J. Ilawkes, Thomas Ossulston, Lord Wyudham, Wudham Codrington, C. W. Heathcote, Sir Wm. Oweu, Sir Jolla Wynn, Rt.Hon. C.W.
Cole, Hon. A. H. Heneage, G. Walker Packe, Charles W. York, lion. E. T.
Colquhoun. John C. Henniker, Lord Pakington. John S. Young. John Compton, II. C. Hepburn. Sir T. B. Palmer, Robert Young, Sir Wm.
Cottony, Edward Herries, Rt. Iln.J.C. Palmer, George
Cooper. E. J. Hill, Sir Rowland Parker, Montagu TELLERS.
Conte, Sir C. II. Hillsborough. Earl of Parker, Robert T.
Copeland, Mr. Aid. Hinde,..I. Hodgson Parker, T. A. W. Fremantle, Sir T.
Curry. thin. Henry Hodgson, Fred. Patten. J. Wilson Baring, H.
Courteuay, Philip Hodgson, Bich. Peel, Sir R...bert Martin, T. B. Ellis, John Noel, Hun. C. G Lowther, Colonel O'Brien, C. Farrand, Robert Spencer. F...... Northland, Lord Shelburne, Lord Herbert, Hon. S.
Talbot, J. II Foley, E. Walker. C. A. Jones, Wilson White, Luke Hayes. Sir E.
Burrouglies. R. N. Moreton, Hon . A.
Campbell. W. F. Jervis. Swynfen Dundas, J. C. (ill) Powell, Col. (ill) Fitzgibbut,R.(abroad Pryse, Pryse (ill) Howard, Sir R. Tomline Geo. (cannot Kerr, D. vote) Loather, Ld(abroad) Vernon, G. (abroad)
For second reading of Lord Morpeth's Bill—(Tellers in- cluded) 301
Pairs 23 Against second reading—(Tellers included) 296
Andover, Lord Powersconrt, Lord Brackett, Chris Davenport, J.
Butler, Hon. P Crewe, Sir 0.
Cave, R. 0. Burdett, Sir F.
Culquhoun, Sir J Sinclair, Sir G.
Davies, Colonel Irving, John Dundas, David Marsland, T.
Edwards, Sir J Price, R.
Erie, William Ingham. Robert Ferguson, Sir It Somerset, Lord G.
Greig, David O'Neil, General
Hal lyburton, Ld.D Miles, W. II. N.
Heneage, F Rollestru, L.
Lambton, H. Stewart. J.
Maher, J. Baring, F. T.