Tuesday, Feb. 23.
Alsop and Chapman, Uttoxeter, surgeons-Paul and Sellers, Balham, Surrey, linen- drapers-Hughes and Bates, Richmond, Surrey, bazaar-keepers-Powell and Parker, Warrington, tea.dealere-Lougdea and Ford. Liverpool, victuallers- Webb and Che- xnery, Knightsbridge, wine-merchants-Scares and Williams, Bonverie Street, printers -II. and H. Gill, Leicester, wool-staplers-R. and T. Ingram, Little Sherlock, Essex, farmers-Runciman and Roberts, Hove, Sussex, schoolmistresses-Holden and Co. Chorley, cotton-manufacturers-Hall and Marsh, Speeuhamland, booksellers-Barton and Esplin, Wigan, clock-makers-Bradley and Parry, Great Guildford Street, iron founders-Netherwood and Lockwood, .Almondbury, woolleu-cloth- manufacturers- 11-,, R., and E. Vergette„ Peterborough. drapers- R. and G. Wolf, Moorgate Street, pianoforte-mannfacutrers-R. and C. Nichols, Wakefield, booksellers-Thompson and Co. Ashton-under-Lune, linendrapers-Turner and Co. Woodbridge, copper-smiths- Waddington and Co. Halaergham Eaves, Lancashire. ship-carpenters-Potter and Co. Manchester. commission-agents-Kennedy and Hutchinsou, Bristol, commission-agents -Adamson and Co. Selby, w harfingers ; as far as regards Adamson senior.
EDMONDSON. WILLIAM, Liverpool, draper, Feb. 22 Sreaaow, EDWIN, Mediate near Walsall, iron-dealer, Feb. 23.
Rows, HENRY, Great Tower Street, wine-merchant. W00% EDWARD, Nottingham, irommerchaut.
Bemserr, EDWARD. Cambridge, builder, to surrender March 5, April 6 : solicitors, Messrs. Nicholls and Son, Cook's Court ; and Mr. Fetch, Cambridge. Rumanian. PETER. Salford. builder, March 4, April 6: solicitors, Messrs. Rickards and Walker, Lincoln's Inu Fields ; and Higgiubottom and Co. Ashton-under-Lyne. DUCEdAM, JOSEPH, Piecadillysearpet-dealer, March 3, April 6 : solicitor, Mr. Rush, Austinfriars; official assignee. Mr. Graham, Basinghall Street. EMERSON, Aaatrrurror and Co. England. spirit-importers. March 16, April 6: soli- citor, Mr. Leaden, Great James Street, Bedford Row; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard, GAWAN, JAMES, Lower Shadwell. provision-merchant, March 5, April 6: solicitor, Mr. Jordeson, St. Mary-at-Hill ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson. Basinghall Street. GEORGE. WILLIAM, Fleet Street, musical-instrument maker, March 3, April 6: soli- citor, Mr. Starling, Sackville Street; official assignee. Mr. Graham. Basinghall Street.
GUNTON, JONATHAN. Cambridge, butcher. March 5, April 6 : solicitor, Mr. Ravens- croft, Guildford Street, Russell Square; aud Mr. Cooper, Cambridge.
KNOTT, JOHN MORGAN, Birmingham, stationer. March 1. April 6: solicitors. Mr. Chaplin. Gray's Inn; and Messrs. Ingleby and Wragge or Messrs. Arnold and Haines, Birmingham.
Loam:IL THOMAS BARNETT, Walworth, map-publisher. March 2, April 6: solicitor, Mr. Lewis, Church Ct. Lombard Street ; official assignee. Mr. Gibson, Basinghall St.
MASON. %Nettles'. Heywood, Lancashire, cotton-spinner, March 16. April 6: so- licitors, Messrs. Clarke and Medcalf. Lincoln's tun Fields; and Messrs. Grundy, Bury.
M'GREGOR. R.RERT, Chester, grocer, March 5, April 6: solicitors, Mr. Phipps, Sise Lane; and Mr. Roberts, Chester.
PROFFITT, JOHN junior, Darlaston. Staffordshire, buckle-manufacturer, March 5, April 6 : solicitors, Messrs. Rushworths. Staple Inn ; and Mr. Watts. Wedneshery. VIRET. JOHN Semmes, and KITCHING, THOMAS BECKETT, Ludgate Hill, linendrapers, March 5, April 6: solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Friday Street ; official designee, Mr. 'Whitmore, Basiughall Street.
Wurrenorse, STEPHEN GRAINGER, Northampton. coal-merchant, March 19. April 6: solicitors. Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood. Inner Temple. YOUNG, EDWARD. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. banker, March 18, April 6: solicitors. Messrs. Bell and Cu. Bow Churchyard; and Mr. Seymour, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
March 18, Prior, Sire Lane, stationer-Mardi 17, Dickey. Old Jewry, linen-factor- March 16, Coates, Colchester, cattle-dealer-March 23, Sheppard, Boston, corn-mer- chant--March 17, Johnson. Glamford Briggs, Lincolnshire, inekeeper-March 23, Fletcher, Liverpool. merchant-March 16. Snelling. Messing, Essex, grocer-March 17, Honey, Littlemore, Oxfordshire, corn-dealer-March 24, Wharton, Wytou, York- shire, merchant-March 24, Thompson, Kingston-upon-Hall, merchant- March 26, Sealiam Harbour, Durham. grocer-March 17, Stripling, Liverpool. ship-chand- ler-March 19, W. and J. Sharrocks, Manchester, machine-makers- March 20, Stel- fox, Manchester, merchant-March 18, Goudie. Liverpool, merchant-March 17, Bur- nett, Newcawle-upon-Tyne, merchant-March 19, Meatyard, Bristol, ironmonger,
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or betbre March 16.
Janion, Kingsley, Che,hire, maltster-Roberts, Bristol, scriveuer-Jackson. Leeds, woollen-cloth-merchant-liaruslee..Greet's Green, Steffordshire builder-Coleman, Ipswich, builder-Wood. LouglibMagli. wharfioger-Simpson, Reading, brickmaker -Celine% East Dcreham, Norfolk, sadler-Marshall, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, grocer.
CLEMENTSON, THOMAS, Auuan, china-merchant, Feb. 26, March 19.
Godes, JOHN, Edinburgh. plumber. March 1, 24. Cuee, JOHN, Linwood. Reafrewshire. shoemaker, Feb. 27, Much 27.
AP NAB, ALEXANDER. Glasgow. fiesher, March 1, 22. PLUSIaIER, JOHN, Edinburgh, flesher, Feb.27, March 22.
Friday, Feb. 26.
rawrxsasuirs DISSOLVED.
Wickes and Friend, Dover, Customhouse agents-J. and W. Perry. Kennington Cross, bakers-Beale and' Williamson, Isliugton, brokers-Miles and Soo, Southamp- ton. woolleudrapers-Wyburn, and Co. Long Acre, coach-builders; as far as regards. Thomas-S. P. and W. Tucker, Rodborough, Gloucestershire, cloth-manufacturers- Strickland and Felsted, Hastings. butchers-Wimble aud Preston, Kingston-upon-Hull, iroumongers-Gwyn and Phillips, Carmarthen, maltsters-Walton and Co. Leeds, machine-manufacturers ; as far as regards C. Walton-Rogerson and Minton, Liver- pool, silk-mercers-Dowell and Easy, Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell. sealing-wax- makers-J. H. and W. Muller, North American Coffeehouse. merchants-Kirkby and Watson, Liverpool, merchants-J. and H. C. Williams, Abergavenuy, common-carriers. -Thompson and Magill, Liverpool. music-sellers-Mansell and Davis, Hampton, car- . penters-Bradsly and Moody. Rochester, coal-merchauts-Brearley and Hellewell, Halifax, machiue-makers-Watson and Sharpe, Darlington, builders-Weston and Son, Wapping, shipwrights-J. and R. Reid. Glasgow, linen-merchants.
Turrose SARAH, MARY ANN, and Ceoesorre, Bristol, milliners, Feb. 24. WILLIAMS, DANIEL, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire. shopkeeper. Feb. 24.
BAYLEY, GEOIGE, Bristol, hosier.
ARMSBY, THOMAS Cacecroor, Woltoneuuder Edge, chemist, to surrender March 15, April 9: solicitor, Mr. Marsden. Watling Street.
CLARKE, HENRY. Partsea, ironmonger. March 9, April 9: solicitor, Mr. Thorndike, Staple Intl ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street. DEAN, JAMES MARSH, Chelteuham, linendraper, March 5, April 9 : solicitor, Mr. Lloyd, Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Abbott, Kiug's Arms Yard. EDWARDS, Lewis. Merthyr Tydvil, grocer, March 11, April 9 : solicitors, Messrs. White and Whitmore. Bedford Row.
FORSTER, WILLIAM, l'hilpot Lane. tea-dealer, March 9, April 9: solicitor, Mr. M' Duff, Castle Street, Holborn; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. WKTNLAY, ROBERT, and MAIER, ALEXANDER. Silver Street, Wood Street, rectifiers, March 5. April 9: solicitors, Messrs. De Mole and Browning, Hatton Court, Thread- needle Street; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. MACE, Joan, Tottenham Court Road, victualler, March 12, April 9: solicitor, Mr, Helmer, Southwark Bridge Road ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abeherch Lane. Seeeev, HENRY JAMES. Somerset Street, Aleigate, victualler, March 12, April 9 : so- licitor, Mr. Donne. Princes Street, Spitalfields ; official assignee, Mr. Lackiugton, Coleman Street Buildings.
Temeese, Wisdom. Chester. innkeeper, March 5, April 9: solicitor, Mr. Rogerson, Norfolk Street, Strand.
WALKER, WILLIAM, Manchester, fustain-manufacturer, March 16, April 9: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple.
WAUD, GEORGE, York, miller, March 5, April 9: solicitors, Messrs. Jaques and. Edwards. Ely Place. DIVIDENDS.
March 19, Wild aud Williams, Walworth, lineudrapers -March 19, Maton and Hud- son, Fore Street, leathertsellers-March 22, J. and E. Cockrell, Basinghall Street, wool-brokers-March, 22 Deane, Sydney Square. Commercial Road, nufacturer-March 22, Thompson, Blackheath Park. merchaet-March 22. Smith. Pump Row, Old Street Road, timber-merchant-March 20, Wilkie, Frith Street, tailor
March 20, Ryan, Strand, carpet-dealer-March 20, Croggon senior. Belvedere Road, artificial stone-manufacturer-March M, eheppard, Boston-April 1, Parker, Brecon, printer-March 19, Wythes, Northfield, Worcestershire, coal-merchant.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before March 19.
Butterworth, Liverpool, mercer-Sowerby, Messingham, Lincolnshire, cattle-dealer- Breed and Eccleston, Liverpool, merchants-Ward, Saffrou Walden, carpenter-Lindo, Kingsland Road, coal-merchant-Jackson. Wolsingham, Durham, spied-merchant- Richards, Northampton, pawnbroker-Austin, Manchestee, catch-proprietor-Wright, London, coffin furniture-dealer.
STUART. Jong, Angustown, Aberdeenshire, cattle dealer, March 5, 26.